Chapter 11

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Because of that delightful interaction with Jin in the parking garage, you feel utterly annoyed and frustrated. You think, "Why does he want me to be jealous? He has always wanted me to be so possessive of him. Doesn't he realize that that would be a full-time job? I already have a full-time job that keeps me quite busy and pays me. I will never understand his need for that." Then as it did only few minutes ago, images of what you allowed yourself to do with him two nights ago come flooding in. Involuntarily, you take a hard swallow and can feel your cheeks heating up again. Then you wonder, "How would he behave if you did act like a crazy possessive girlfriend? Does he have any idea how toxic and awful that experience would be? Besides, who has the energy to be that possessive? Ugh...." You try your best to get him and all of the drama that comes with Jin out of your mind.

You finally pull into your driveway and see a set of headlights pull in behind you. Your first thought is that those lights belong to one of your brothers. So, you decide to walk up to the car to find out why they are there. Then as soon as you pass the glare of the headlights, you realize that it is not any one of your brothers, but Jin. He has followed you home. You shake your head thinking, "How the hell do I get rid of him?" With your arms crossed across your chest, you say, "What are you doing here? Did you really tail me?"

Jin replies, "Yes. How else am I going to get any time to see you? You were the one who has driven me to this point. If you just let me do what I want with you, I wouldn't have to resort to these methods."

You ask, "So, what is it exactly that you want now?"

He asks, "May I come in?"

You tilt your head all the way back in exasperation and say, "Why do you need to come in?"

He replies, "I would like to talk to you."

Shaking your head, you say, "About what?"

"I would like to hear more about how your love is like water."

"But I'm so very tired and hungry. I don't want to talk at all. That's all I did, all day. Talk, talk, talk, talk."

He opens his car door and steps out, forcing you to take a few steps back to get out of the way of the door. He is in a charcoal grey suit with a crisp white shirt and a loosened cornflower blue tie. That's when a breeze blows and tosses his hair away from his face, making the whole thing look like a freaking staged scene. You think, "Even the wind is against me."

You sigh and say, "Fine. This way." You walk ahead of him into your front door. As soon as you walk into the house, you kick off your shoes and drop all of your things on the floor, marching directly into the kitchen. You say, "I am going to grab some leftovers, do you want something too, maybe something to drink?"

Jin says, "No, I'm good. Thanks."

You offer him a seat at the kitchen table and say, "So, why did you really follow me home?"

He replies, "I told you already. I want you to tell me more about how you are like water. And of course, I wanted to look at you some more."

You say, "You know, that whole, 'I want to look at you,' thing is getting a tiny bit creepy."

"If you spent some time with me and let me look at you, I wouldn't have to keep asking."

You put something in the microwave and punch a few buttons and the appliance comes alive. You turn to face him and ask, "Why do you try so hard to get me to feel jealous?"

He replies, "Again, I told you. I want you to want me for yourself."

"So, what are we talking about here? You want me to be all 'No, you can't talk to her,' or 'Stop looking at that girl,' kind of things?"

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