Chapter 15

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You wake up this Thursday morning and feel apprehensive about checking your phone. Middle of the night, you decided to lay down the gauntlet on Jin. You reluctantly pick up your cell and the second the notification list comes up, your heart drops to the floor. Nothing from Jin. You feel genuinely hurt, angry, and utterly confused. Then suddenly, what comes to your mind is seeing Jin with that young woman at the sushi place. Whatever this is, it has to have something to do with that woman.

You regret not just asking him about it flat out. You think, "If he was going to be so easily lured away from me, why did he even bother coming on so strongly in the first place?" You are so ready to blame him and make him the bad guy, but then you remember that you were the one who agreed to give this a try with him. No one twisted your arm about it.

You tell yourself, "In the end, this is the risk I took when I decided to open myself up to him and to this. I guess I can count my blessings. Something like this could have happened a year down the road. I could have been in Lora's shoes. Three years of my life down the fucking toilet, wasted."

You like the idea of counting your blessings and living in gratitude, so that's what you decide to do. As you get out of bed, you remember your last partner interview is scheduled for today at 11:00 AM. You remember Jin saying that Park Jimin, the third name on the shingle, was a good friend of his and that they have been friends for a long time. You just hope that Jin didn't say anything inappropriate to him about your relationship with him to the partner. You get out of bed and start your day.

By the time you get to the office, you feel less upset but angrier than ever. As you get to your office, Michelle greets you. Then she sees the expression on your face and asks, "What's wrong? Did something happen? Are you okay?"

At Michelle's genuine concern, you can feel your eyes burn with tears. Seeing the tears welling up in your eyes, she pulls you into your office before anyone sees it. She sits you down at your couch and asks, "What happened? Tell me."

You fill Michelle in on what happened with Josh last night and the text that you sent Jin in the middle of the night last night. You begin to cry earnestly, and Michelle goes over to your office door and locks it, not wanting anyone to see you cry, protecting your reputation and image to the rest of the firm. Michelle says, "Did you mean what you said on the text from this morning?"

You reply, "I drew the line in the sand, so I need to stick to the consequences of it. I can't just take him right back."

Michelle asks, "Will you take him back? If so, how do you plan to work that out? And lastly, What would make you not take him back?"

You answer, "I know that he is capable of pulling some flaky and cowardice shit. That's what he did with Lora. When he didn't want to deal with it, he went out, cheated on her on purpose and told her about it. Leaving the breaking up part to her. I just don't understand why he would do this to me. I wasn't pushing him for anything."

Michelle replies, "Listen, I'm sure all of it will come to light sooner or later. But I'm thinking that you should shift your focus now to work. Only because you have the last partner interview today at 11:00. Once that's over with, you and I can have a girls' night out or something tomorrow night. It'll be Friday and you can blow off some steam. That sound like a plan?"

You nod your head and say, "You are right. I have got to get my head back in the game. No more crying."

Michelle says, "I can reschedule your afternoon meeting for today. Would you like that?"

"No, I think I need to focus on work. I don't want idle time."

Michelle replies, "Okay, then you have two appointments this afternoon. First one is a new client and second is a follow up."

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