Chapter 22 - What A Strange Turn of Events...

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happy reading fellas..

All still looking at the photo of the boy.... Natasha still feeling guilty about leaving him in that horrible state.... the silent prevails in the breakroom...

After sometime Rajbir breaks the silent... "so do you think ...he's our killer..."

"seems like to be... he has a motive.... now we know why he is killing the victims...because he been assaulted by those bullies..." says Karishma....

"then why the hell the camp manger didn't tell us about this incident..." asked Mira...

"maybe he was telling us the truth or something else was manger and call him to station...this time, he has to tell us the truth if he knows about this incident...." says Haseena with stern voice...

Later Haseena and Karishma seating in front of Gautham I the interrogation room...where they are asking about that camp incident and also about that boy....

"look I don't have any idea about this incident in that camp...all my father said me that nothing happened there...everything was great and kids enjoyed a lot...."

"we have statement that something terrible happened to this kid and he was sent to the come you don't have that record....there many witnesses Gautham....many kids saw the boy being sent to home in terrible condition..."said Haseena...

"trust me I don't know anything about it...this is really new to me..."

"don't lie to us Gautham....this is the most sensitive case.... Do you know anything about the kids bullying Nitesh...?" asked Karishma...

"no I don't remember exactly anything like that....if it does, why would my father hid this thing...

"maybe he was involved in this crime and tried to hide it because of the reputation.... many people do Gautham, your father didn't tell you anything because he didn't want to loose his camp business...he knows if this matter comes outside... all the camp authorities including you father will go to he handled the situation by his own...." says Haseena firmly and Gautham just sits there listens to them....

"you said that your old office got fire...did the fire department find out the reason behind...did anyone messed up...? " asked Karishma...

"yeah.... they told me electric wire got fire due to the short circuit and it was near the book it started to spread everywhere quickly.... that's why I couldn't recover any records...."

"what about the backup...did you tried to find it..." asked Haseena..

"yes...i got the cd drive and gave to you officer...i was meaning to call you but before I could... your officers arrested me... trust me I have no idea anything about this bully thing.....but I am ready to help you any way you want...i know how it means to be bullied when you don't belong to some places..."says Gautham calmly...

Karishma and Haseena exchange looks with each other worriedly.... they understood what he said... gets up from the seat...then they go out and joins Rajbir and Mira who were checking the drive on the computer...

"how did it go..." asked Mira reading the files...

"looks like he is telling the truth.... his father might have hidden this incident to his family or he too doesn't know anything about this bully thing..." says Karishma...Rajbir and Mira nod their head...

"did you guys contact the fire department.... got the report from them...?" asked Haseena

"matter of fact we did...." Mira looks up and gives them the files which they received through the fax..... "he is telling the all happened when the electric wire broke out...they didn't find any suspicious they closed the case by concluding it happened due to the spark when wires got damaged..."

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