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I somehow got out of bed at 5:50 am, yeah, I am shocked too and now I am brushing my teeth which will be followed by a short warm shower. I don't take long to shower as I washed my hair just last night.

I am in my bath robe when I pick out an outfit for school, it's Friday today and I am in no mood to dress up so I pick out a comfy sweatshirt and a dark blue ripped at knees jeans to go with the bright pink hood.

I get out of my robe and wear a matching pair of lacy black underwear and a bra under my comfortable clothes. I put on some moisturizer and vitamin-C serum on my face before adding sunscreen and then I just pat some face powder.

For makeup, I add a little mascara and a very light pink lip gloss. I comb my hair and tie it over my head in a loose messy bun with a black tie.

It's 6:50 by the time I am completely ready, so I still have 20 minutes for breakfast before Ollie comes to pick me up. So I head downstairs with my bag and phone, leaving them on the table, I head to kitchen to make a cup of coffee for myself.

As I am heating it up, I suddenly remember my yesterday's make out session with him and then him leaving without saying any word. I have no idea why he did that. Guys are weird, especially the bad ones. Whatever, I will know today or some day if he's just playing games. I pour coffee in my all time favorite cup given to me by childhood best friend Derek.

He and I used to play together when we were just 8 and 6 years old,respectively. We used to hang out almost every day until his family moved 2 years ago due to his father's London. Their house is still standing next to ours, all empty. They haven't visited once in two years here to as they have nothing to worry about in San Francisco.  He was a lot taller than me at that time when I was just 15 and he was 17, he had blonde hair and big green smiling eyes. He was cute but I never thought of him more than like a best friend. I wonder where he is now.

As I am finishing up my coffee, thinking about Derek, I hear a doorbell. It's Ollie who comes to pick me up for school. It's already 7:05 so I don't ask her to come in and just go ahead from doorstep itself.

"Let's go." I say.

"Jeez catty what's the hurry?" she asks addressing me by the nickname she gave me just 'cuz I am scared of standing up for myself.

"School is 35 minutes by car from here, we will get late." I said.

"Bleh, yes I forgot." Ollie says.

"Ollie are you drunk?" I ask noticing her droopy eyes and her behavior.

She just winks. "Ollie, since when did you start getting drunk on school nights?" I exclaim.

"Since I spend them with Troye Stan." Ollie replies in a sexual tone.

"Ollie, I will drive today not you." I warn her.

" Ugh.Okay, bossy catty." She says with a snort. I get in the driver's seat while Ollie sits on the passenger seat.

I turn on the engine and it roars to life. We reach school about 40 minutes later at 7:50. We have different classes for first lecture so we both make our way to our respective classes.

On Fridays, my first class is chemistry. After yesterday, I don't wanna meet Edward, especially not in school, cuz no matter what I will have to see him at my place for tutoring him anyways. So I just wish I don't have to see him in school. I enter my class and settle on my place but Edward's not in his place but again he always come late.

Mr. Davila enters and starts teaching but still there is no sign of Edward, I guess my wish is actually fulfilled. I am kind off relieved but also kind off worried because even though Edward doesn't pay much attention, he rarely ever misses a class. Maybe he partied last night. I am just over thinking, whatever.

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