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I read the final page of the novel I have been reading and all I can say is that reading can make anything better. I love being lost in the characters. Some characters understand what I can't even make people in real life understand. These characters understand every insecurity, every thought and every feeling of mine better than any  person. Even my few real friends can't always understand what I feel.

But these books make me feel like I am heard and deserve to be loved by someone. I am so glad that I have Edward, Derek and Ollie with me here right now. They are the best but sometimes they don't understand what I go through. My anxieties, my insecurities and my fears take over me and stop me from doing what I desire and love. I really hope that Edward completely understands who and what I am and what I desire.

Just as I am lost in my thoughts, I hear some banging and moaning sounds. Oh my god, they're not doing it, are they? I hear few more noises and now I am sure that they did it.... Are doing it to be exact. I need to not hear this. I put on my headphones and start some soothing music.

I listen to the music for few minutes before taking off my headphones. I put my ear on the door of my room to note if there's any voice. No, there isn't. Thank the Lord. I hear a door open and close. She might be going home. I head out and see Derek and Ollie heading out.

I stand at the top of stairs with my hands fold in front of me waiting for him to come back. Derek's closes then main door slowly and looks back to see me. He is silent and blushes as soon as he sees me. "So, what were you guys up to?" I ask looking at him like I know nothing.

"Nothing much. Just talked about everything, you know," He says and walks towards me. I also walk towards him and we both meet halfway through. 

"Yeah dirty talking while you were inside her, right?" I say with a smirk on my face. His eyes broaden, his lips knits shut. 

"Umm.... How did you know?" He says and runs a hand through his hair, nervously.

"The walls are paper thin, Derek. I heard it, unfortunately. I wore my headphones so don't worry, I didn't hear you yell her name or vice versa."

"Oh I am so sorry, Candy. I thought you guys were too much but what you had to go through was worse." He apologizes but he doesn't look sorry as there is a smirk on his face. I hit him on the chest with my arms continuously. He laughs as he feels nothing on his rock hard chest. He takes my hands in his and hugs me. I hit him playfully but hug him back.

"Your head feels okay, right?" He asks still hugging me.

"Yeah, it was fine till I heard you and Ollie having the time of your lives. Since then, it feels gross."

He looks at me and scans me. "Are you fine, Candy?" He asks in a serious tone but with a smile on his face.

"Yes I am fine, you dick." I say and he laughs at me."Don't you dare laugh at me again."

"Yeah, I will act like I will follow your order," He says with a arrogant look.

 I hit him again. "I hate you."

"We both know that's not true. You love me."

I roll my eyes at him, "Since when did you become such a narcissist?" I ask with a smug look on my face.

"Well, you know, if you mention something you are good at, it doesn't mean you are showing it off. It just means you are proud of yourself for achieving one thing, something you never thought you could and just want people you love to be proud of you too when nobody else believed in you. It's like you have achieved something for the first time." He says and makes me think. He can be naughty at one moment and so wise the next.

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