"What? What kind of prank is this, Charlotte? I am 100% sure that Edward is hiding in your bathroom, waiting to pop out laughing at me," Ollie says awkwardly laughing as she throws her head back. She is not herself sure if it's a prank.
"Ollie, as much I appreciate you believing in us and him, it's not a prank. He did cheat on me with Amelia, I saw it myself. He had no explanation," I say as fresh tears burn behind my eyes. As much thrilled I am to go to Switzerland, I wouldn't have Edward to share my happiness with. I hate being this ungrateful but I can't help it.
"Oh my god, come here darling," Ollie says as she opens her arms. I get in her arms and let my tears and sobs free. She is the only one who saw us grow from hating each other to tolerating each other to falling for each other. She's the best person to understand what I am feeling right now. I sob into her neck as she smoothes my hair. I spent last night crying over Edward but it still feels less.
I just don't know how to accept it. I pull back from her and look at my best friend through blurred vision before speaking in between sniffles, "I-, Is it me, Ollie? Did I do anything wrong? What did I do wrong? Wh-what does she have that I don't? Well, except boobs, ass and a waist like her and also money. Yeah, it is definitely me."
"Oh my god, shut up Charlotte. If you speak any more shit about yourself, I will burn your favorite shoes. Ps- I am already burning all of Edward's shoes and clothes," Ollie says as she holds my face in her hands, wiping my tears.
I scoff and snort as I wipe off my tears which finally stop, thankfully, for now. "So, you'll be the ex's psycho best friend," I say as I manage to plaster a subtle smile on my face.
"I thought I already established that, if not then hell yeah I will be. He's such a dickhead to do this to you. No one deserves that, especially not you, girl," Ollie says as she pulls out a cigarette from her pocket and light it up before taking a puff. She smokes very rarely, mostly when she's too cold or when she's too worked up. She's 100% suffering from both right now. I have asked her to stop a billion times but it has only led to us fighting and never her stopping so, I have just come to terms with it now.
"Oh please. I might have deserved it. Maybe I did something bad, somewhere and god is punishing me," I say as I try to digest the fact myself. I haven't really thought or considered what I will say to him today when he comes over. I successfully dodged him in today's classes by exchanging my seats with another girl. Anyone would be ready to sit behind Edward in chemistry class so, it was a win for me no matter how much I wanted to strangle her for ogling him throughout the class but now, that he will be at my place, I won't be able to pretend that he doesn't exist.
It's already 5. Fuck.
"Well, Edward is still a dick. God didn't make him cheat on you, so be careful babe," Ollie says as she wraps me in another hug.
I nod my head before looking at her. She seems tired too. She has to stay awake till late night to study and also have regular catch ups with Derek. I hate seeing her like this but she's also happy so, I shouldn't really worry but I can't help. I don't want both of them to ruin their health because of their relationship. There well being is more necessary. I will talk to her about it one day or another.
The moment that I have been dreading with my dear heart finally comes. I take a deep breath before opening the door. Here goes nothing.
All the pain and tears flashing back at the sight of his beautiful blue eyes, ruffled up hair and charm except he looks tensed. His eyes are dark and there are bags under his eyes. He's suffering too. You should have thought of that before you fucked her.

Chemistry Of Lust
Romance"Yes, Edward I promise you that you'll be the first and the last person I think about when I open and close my eyes. I love you but do you?" I finally ask the question that's been bothering me from a long time. He leans down until our foreheads res...