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I head back home with Ollie and I am completely exhausted. One of the main reasons for my exhaustion is Edward and his dick. Not saying I hated it, I absolutely loved every minute of our sweet little secret session but now I have no strength left in me as I am sore as fuck. I will have to work through it. I can do it.

"I am home, Derek," I say. Ollie left from outside itself as she had somewhere to be. She was not happy to not see Derek again but I am glad they didn't meet because they both are gross.

 "Welcome home, Madame." Derek says as he comes down the stairs. 

"What were you doing up there?" I ask him as I settle down on the couch with a deep sigh.

"Just made a call to mom." At the mention of word 'mom', my mood suddenly spoils. They still haven't called me, to ask me how I've been. How busy can they possible be? "Charlotte?" Derek snaps in front me as tears blur my vision but I recover in the very next second. 

"Nothing just had a long day." I say and pass him a smile.

"Okay. We will eat and then you can sleep till your "student"  arrives," Derek says suspiciously like he didn't believe my "long day" story. He knows me too well. But he decided to let it go because he knows I get cranky easily.

 "Mmm....That's a nice idea," I say and close my eyes for a few seconds. All the thoughts start to wander in my mind as soon as I close my eyes. What if I don't get good grades this semester due to all these distractions? Then I won't get into the college of my choice. What if my parents have forgotten about me and my accident? What if Amelia and Edward get back together? What if both of my best friends commit to a relationship with each other and forget about me?

Before my thoughts can engulf my brain completely, Derek calls my name out, "Candy, food is done. I got us pizzas. I reheated them." I walk to the kitchen with my head hung low.

 "Thank you," I say and take one of the pizzas to the couch. Derek comes with the other one in his hand.

"Do you want to listen to some songs?" Derek asks and my face lights up at the mention of songs as I absolutely love listening to them. Listening to songs makes me feel light weight and less tensed. 

"Of course. I can never say no to songs," I say and take a bite out of my pizza. Derek nods and turns on the T.V. 

"Whom do you wanna listen to?" Derek asks and I look at him like he has grown two heads.

He stares back at me for a few moments and then it comes to his mind and he smiles at me. "Taylor Swift or One Direction?" He asks and I smile before nodding. 'Dancing with our hands tied' by Taylor starts playing through the speakers. I and Derek used to dance on this song all the time.

We both share a look and exchange a sad smile because we both thought of the same thing. Suddenly, he takes my hand in his , making me drop my pizza slice on the plate. He places one hand on my waist and I place mine on his shoulders. We lace our free hands together and start to sway together to the song. We both laugh as we move all around the living room. He pulls me in closer, "This feels perfect," He says and all my worries cease to have ever existed.

I look up at him and smile like there's absolutely nothing wrong right now. Come to think of, there actually isn't. I just need to look at everything from the positive side. "Yeah it does." I rest my head on his shoulder and we continue to slowly sway to the rhythm.

The song comes to an end and we pull apart. "I love you, Derek," I say and hug him tightly. 

He hugs me back, "I love you too, Candy." So glad that someone does.

 "Can we stay like this for few more moments?" I ask as I really need this hug for longer. 

"I wasn't gonna let you go, yet anyways." I smile at him and I pull him back in.

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