Soon-to-be Failures

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Authors Note: This is for a further moment in the chapter but E/C will be your eye colour just to clear any confusion. With that out the way enjoy this chapter.


Fuutarou: "Thanks for gathering here today."

Fuutarou had somehow managed to gather all the quintuplets right after another painful day of school for a study lesson with him, some of the sisters hated both studying and Fuutarou. Nino was blatantly ignoring Fuutarou while he was making his speech whilst scrolling through her phone. Miku and Yotsuba however all had their attention towards Fuutarou as they all just wanted to get this over with so they will have more free time during the rest of the day. Ichika on the other hand, was sleeping on Yotsuba's lap due to her supposed unstable sleep schedule.

Yotsuba: "I mean, this is our home..."

Miku: "I really thought you would of given up by now."

Nino: "Didn't I tell you that we don't need a tutor, or perhaps you had a temporary memory loss from what happened last night."

Fuutarou: "Ok, prove it then. Prove to us that you don't need a tutor!"

Nino: "P-Prove it?"

Fuutarou: "I'll just have you take this test. I'll uphold a promise to never talk to any of you ever again if all you five pass."

Yotsuba: "U-Uesugi-san?" Yotsuba had shown slight confusion towards what Fuutarou had stated towards the quintuplets. Ichika had also risen from her slumber due to the commotion between Fuutarou and the quints.

Nino: "Why should I even bother?"

Itsuki: "Fine, I'll take it." Itsuki then proceeded to stand up and grab what looked to be a glasses case.

Nino: "Wha-. Itsuki, you serious?" Itsuki then opened the presumed glasses case which in fact did have glasses in which had a magenta colour to them.

Itsuki: "All I need to do is pass. So I'll never have to see your face again." Itsuki had set off a flare of confidence within her sisters by her actions.

Yotsuba: "Let's do this everyone!"

Ichika: "Ok, fine." The quintuplets started to get up one by one.

Miku: "What will count as a passing grade Fuutarou?"

Fuutarou: "Sixty-no. Make it fifty. That's good enough."

Nino: sigh- "We don't owe you this, but you need to be taught to not underestimate us." They all got their pens out, took one piece of paper and each and then all took the test. They were all given 30 minutes to complete the exam they were set by Fuutarou.

*knock* *knock*

There was someone at the door. Fuutarou then went towards the door to open it and revealed the one and only.

Y/N: "Hey Fuutarou, sorry about being late just had to drop some stuff back home."

Fuutarou: "Ok but be quiet."

Y/N: "Why?"

Fuutarou: "They're doing a test paper right now so don't disturb them." Fuutarou lowered his voice and so did Y/N.

Y/N: "Aahh alright ok, I'll just settle down somewhere until they are done." Y/N then walked into the apartment and received a few stares from the quintuplets curious to see who it was. Y/N then sat down out of their sight so he was no distraction towards the girls and slack off until the test was finished.

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