Wrong Place Wrong Time

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Y/N: *in mind* "Well shit... Of course that was going to happen."

Y/N knew that it was very obvious that one of the two would of had their suspicions on Miku and Y/N due to both of them feeling uncomfortable around the other due to what happened earlier in the morning that will only be known between them.

Y/N: *in mind* "Can't just leave her on read or she'll grow even more suspicious. Got to reply with something..."


Y/N: Oh it's just I thought she was Fuutarou and I somehow mixed Miku up with him which sort of made me slightly embarrassed back then.

Ichika: I suppose that could be true. But you stuttered more than usual when communicating with her, why's that?

Y/N: Just thought that she would of mocked me for my past mistake. Now I've realised that's something she wouldn't do since I was too focused on the work to think of that.

Ichika: Alright alright. It does make sense since you did slow down on the stutters, I'll stop with the questions.

Y/N: Ok then. See you at School on Monday.

Ichika: See you then.


Y/N forced his phone back into his pocket and took an immense sigh of relief.

Y/N: *in mind* "Good thing I now have her off my back, saves me many problems for the near future that would of have to be solved."

Y/N's phone then vibrated once he snapped out of his thoughts. Y/N removed his phone from his pocket and saw that Ichika had sent him another message that he really didn't want to see.

Y/N: *in mind* "Or maybe not..."


Ichika: Just a thought I've had. Since you've been working so hard for us because of the midterms, I'd like to treat you for lunch, that's if your free. If not that's completely fine.

Y/N: I don't see why I would decline your offer. So, where are we going to eat then?

Ichika: I was thinking the sushi bar not far from where I live.

Y/N: Ok then. Been there before so I know the directions. See you there in about five minutes.

Ichika: See you soon Y/N-kun.


Not only did Y/N freely give away more of his free time to do whatever he pleases to do, he also felt as if he made the wrong decision.

Y/N: *in mind* "Why did I make that choice? Urgh, I've just thrown away some free time. Studying with the quintuplets is as tiring as it is for crying out loud... Hold up, wait a minute. I can maybe discuss where her weak points are, tell Fuutarou the information I've gathered and get her score up. Possibly...   No point in turning back now, better start heading over instead of idling around."

Y/N scanned his surroundings to familiarise himself of where he currently was and where he needed to head in order to arrive at the correct destination. Y/N turned to a familiar sidewalk which was on the same road as the sushi bar and crossed the road to reach the sidewalk and carried on walking to reach the sushi bar he was expected to be at relatively soon.

A Little Bit Of Luck (Quintessential Quintuplets x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now