A Daring Decision

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The sun started to rise as it dazed through the windows of the inn that Y/N was staying overnight due to the hazardous snowstorm from yesterday. Y/N had finally risen from his deep sleep, getting all the sleep he had wished for, he groggily opened his eyes to be met by the rays of sunlight darting straight through the blinds of the windows. He turned and tossed around in his futon a couple of times before eventually getting up. 

However, he was content with not waking up throughout the entire night and satisfied with his sleep. But his mouth on the other hand was as dry as a desert and desperately required some fresh, cold water. Y/N got up from his own futon as he caught a glance of the sleeping Nino who was still calmly sleeping away. Y/N went to the bathroom and went to go drink out of the sink but a sign most peculiar above the tap had caught his attention.


Well... That's a good way to start of the day...

As frustrated as Y/N was, he was still relieved that he saw the sign as he didn't want to catch a disease of some sort from drinking the tap water. Y/N now had to find a water fountain or something along the sorts now to refresh his bone dry mouth so he grabbed the keycard to his and Nino's room and hastily left to go find a healthy water source. 

After searching the inn for a few minutes, it felt like he was attempting to navigate through a maze as all the corridor's were practically identical. Long, straight hallways all with the same coloured and patterned carpet and all with wooden signs hanging above the ceiling with several different numbers marked indicating room numbers. The eventual larger rooms would show up which would again lead to long corridors. Finally, Y/N located a water fountain that was in the lobby. 

Fortunately, there wasn't a queue as Y/N happily strolled over towards the water fountain, picking up a plastic cup to the side of the fountain which were all stacked up on a wooden cabinet just to the right of the drinking source. Y/N wasted no time pouring fresh, cold water into the plastic cup before chugging it straight down his mouth. 

Three refills later, Y/N's mouth had now return to feeling how it would normally feel as he chucked the used plastic cup into a nearby bin and went back to his room. 

Y/N:  *in mind* "Wait... Which way was it again?"

Y/N hadn't remembered his directions from his room to the lobby and was now in a bit of a tricky situation. Under normal circumstances, he would've just asked a staff member who worked at the inn for directions back but because it was so early, no staff member was present at this current time so Y/N was all by himself.

Y/N knew the direction from where he entered the lobby so he made his way back to the huge arch separating the lobby from a giant corridor that lead to various different rooms. Now, Y/N's common sense would've kicked in to just look at the wooden signs dangling down from the roof indicating which room was where and used the arrows to get back to his room. Of course he knew his room number but as there wasn't any staff members around, the electricity for the lights hadn't been switched on yet so the corridors were so dark that the signs on the roof were too dark that the numbers couldn't be read.

Several minutes of searching was now underway as Y/N made his way again back through many different corridors and was now most definitely lost. He would every once in a while check the room doors for the number of the room as the closer he got to his room number, the closer he would be to his room right? Well... That's what he thought until after turning a corner he gazed at a door with a number almost completely opposite to the number he just read moments ago...

A Little Bit Of Luck (Quintessential Quintuplets x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now