Bittersweet: Pt 1

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It was now the second day of the weekend. Sunday, the day before the five day period of school repeats once again. Y/N was relaxing in his bedroom on his phone knowing he is getting his first payment today to which he was thrilled about. Y/N was also trying to imagine what Itsuki wanted to do with Y/N this afternoon but he also thought she may cancel it due to what occurred last night so he was prepared to be turned down on their outing later today. She couldn't of done it over messages due to her not having Y/N's contact number.

Anyways, it was 11:45am and Y/N was getting dressed into a dark blue polo shirt with a red strip along with a small white line boarding it across the edges on the sleeves and on the collar of the shirt with jeans and black socks to go with his trainers to greet Itsuki in 15 minutes time. Fortunately he already told his parents that he was 'going out to meet some of his friends' later today around midday to avoid suspicions of him and Itsuki even though the two were not together. 

Father: "Hey Y/N, when are you going to leave?"

Y/N: "About 20 minutes time, one of my students from my tutoring job is going to come by and give me my payment as they are heading elsewhere and our house is on their route so they thought they might as well give it to me rather than next week."

Father: "Just stay safe out there. Also message one of us when you are returning home you understand son."

Y/N: "Yep, there won't be a repeat of last time." Y/N had most definitely learned from his lesson.

Father: "I hope there isn't. You really worried us."

Y/N: "Yeah yeah, you've told me that too many times to count already. I admit it was my mistake."

Father: "Just don't do it again."

Y/N: "Won't do." Both Father and son went in opposite directions with Y/N going downstairs while his Father went upstairs.

The radio was playing downstairs who Y/N's mother had turned on while washing the dishes after the family had breakfast earlier today.

Radio Broadcaster: "It's a pleasant Sunday. I hope you're all having a good time. The firework festival set in Higashi-cho today is now confirmed to be taking place today this evening. The fireworks will set off at 7:00 so if your going don't miss the firework show!"

Y/N: *in mind* "Maybe Itsuki wants me to go the festival, but she would ask me later than at midday since the fireworks go off in eight hours and I suppose the festival will be open to the public in a few hours time. What's the time? 11:55. I'll wait near the door until the bell goes."

Y/N waited near the front door to his house looking down at his phone, close enough that one of his parents doesn't accidentally get it before him but far away enough so he isn't seen through the glass panes of the door. Five minutes later, the front door bell then rung indicating someone was there.

Mother: "Y/N, could you get the door for me please."

Y/N: "On it." Y/N then opened the door ecstatic to finally receive his first payment.

???: "I have a delivery here for Mrs. L/N." It was not Itsuki, it was a deliveryman who was holding a small parcel in his hand.

Y/N: "O-oh yes. I-I'll give it to her right away. Thank you." Y/N then closed the door and walked over to his mother presenting the delivery package.

Mother: "Oh, is this the perfume I ordered yesterday? Thank you dear." Y/N's mother took the carboard out of Y/N's hand opened a draw to the right of her which had a pair of scissors in them. She cut into the box and took out what was indeed a box of perfume.

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