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It had now been 50 minutes since the students and teachers apart from a few others had left the school by bus to the location of the school camp. Unfortunately for Y/N and Nino, they both got moved over to a different bus that had majority first-year students onboard because the bus they were boarding had too many students lined up outside of it. 

The two however didn't mind the sudden switch as they were only going to talk amongst themselves for the journey there. The buses all had 2 rows of seats, one to the left and one to the right with an aisle down the middle. Y/N and Nino shared a row with Y/N getting the window seat and Nino getting the aisle seat.

Nino and Y/N were conversing amongst themselves, chatting about various different topics as the journey went on. There was something that was bothering Nino as she started to shiver slightly as the air around her was getting more and more chilly. The cold air was also causing annoyance for many of the other first year students on the bus as they closed most of the windows to keep the bus warm. 

Nino however was still quite cold, her and Y/N's arm's were touching for the most of the trip as there was no gap at all between the seats plus the seats were quite small too. This gave her an idea. Nino shuffled a bit closer to Y/N and leaned her head against his shoulder in an attempt to share body heat.

Nino: "It's cold so I'm just trying to share some body heat."

Y/N on the other hand, didn't think much of Nino's clinginess at the moment due to her past teasing so he let it slide, plus they were a supposed couple so no one should make a fuss anyways.

Y/N: "It's fine. We shouldn't be questioned anyhow, plus you've done worse before so I'm fine with this."

Nino: "Thank you for being honest, Y/N-kun."

Nino smiled in delight as her head remained leaning on Y/N's shoulder. The two stayed silent for a few minutes as Nino enjoyed the moment she was experiencing as for Y/N, he was currently lost in his thoughts.

Y/N: *in mind* "Hopefully Fuutarou agreed to go out with the other quintuplets to the school camp... I would have an answer by now but there's no signal at the moment so I can't contact him or any of the sisters. Heh, I'm sure Yotsuba encouraged him to go. She's a lot like his younger sister Raiha so I can see why Fuutarou fell for her... Heck, he even stayed at home just to take care of his little sister... Moment's like these I really do think that he has some sort of sister complex..."

???: "Hey, are you even listening to me!"

Y/N was all of a sudden brought back out of his thoughts through the sudden shouting he heard and a finger that was poking his arm. The hand that was poking him belonged to Nino who was looking at Y/N with a disgusted face, unsure of what to even say, her head was now off of his shoulder leaning against the back of the chair. Y/N had no understanding of the situation and looked at the person who was standing up looking down at the both of them in the aisle.

Y/N: "Umm... Do you need something?"

???: "Of course there is something I want from you!"

Y/N was seriously confused. Firstly, he never recognised the face of the first year that was standing in the aisle, his emerald green eyes glaring down at Nino and Y/N as he pushed back his long dark brown hair.

Y/N: "Well... I think you have the wrong person. I don't even know who you even are-"

???: "You don't know who I am..! Well, it seems that I have to teach your weak little mind into knowing the strong and glorious person in front of you."

Y/N couldn't muster up anything as he continued to stare at the mysterious first year.

???: "For starters... I am Kataru Hokoshima! The man who was born destined to strike down The Sinister Secretaries! An evil organisation planning to destroy this very world and I'm the one who will stop them!"

A Little Bit Of Luck (Quintessential Quintuplets x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now