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Two days had passed since the end of the school camp and the every-day school life was back in full swing. Well... that's expect for one student. He hadn't set foot on the school grounds for longer than he had truly wished for but there was nothing he could really do but lay down on the hospital bed and wait for his sickness to pass.

Faint noises of a pencil being rubbed on to a sheet of paper was all that could be heard from inside the room except for the occasional whistles of wind from the slightly opened windows. A clock on the wall read that the time was just passing half past three so he knew that he would see some familiar visitors soon.

Fuutarou: *in mind* "The school festival really was a disaster... From it being a miracle that I was able to make it thanks for the aid of the quintuplets. Then my mild cold developing into a full-blown flu. And now that's ended me here, in the hospital... But I have that feeling that... Someone came to visit me when I was passed out..."

Fuutarou stared towards the window, glaring outside watching the various vehicles drive past on the nearby roads and students flocking the sidewalks. Fuutarou lowered his head a tiny amount as he slowly shut his eyes and smiled.

Fuutarou: "No... There's no way th-"

Fuutarou suddenly escaped his trance hearing the door to his hospital room suddenly slide straight open. All of his attention averted to the loud noise behind him causing him to turn round in a quick haste only to see an out of breath Nino leaning against the white wooden door.

Fuutarou: "Nino?"

He knew that he was expecting guests this afternoon but it really confused Fuutarou as to why only Nino had shown up. Nino, still standing at the entrance examined the room checking for any other life beside the sick studyholic. 

Nino: "There's no one else in here, is there?"

Fuutarou: "Wh-What? This is my room?"

Fuutarou, still perplexed continued to stare confused at Nino as she began to walk at a fast pace across his room. But as a few seconds passed, he quickly calmed down and just accepted what was happening.

Nino: "Why do you care? And also, you're not the one who's paying for this."

Fuutarou: "You know, I would've been fine with just a normal one, not one that is fancy and private like this. Because of where I am, the nurses are gossiping about how I might be the hospital director's bastard son. The hair colour we both share doesn't help either."

Nino stopped in her tracks and folded her arms in a frustrated manner.

Nino: "Well what do you think, some of the girls thought your condition was life-threatening and that you were going to die."

Fuutarou: "Your father is the one who's paying for my hospital expenses, you sure he's fine with that?"

Nino: "That's true. So that basically mean we paid for this!"

You could say that Nino exclaimed her point in the most cockiest tone she could make up but Fuutarou remained seated with a deadpanned expression on that she didn't really answer his question.

Fuutarou: *in mind* "Wow, couldn't of thought she could be more of a brat than she already is..."

Fuutarou: "I can just pass my question on to someone who's more trustworthy and kinder than you. But out of all six of you, I didn't expect you to be the first to visit me. Is there a change of heart I'm seeing?"

Nino: "Eh? No, of course not- Shoot, I have to get going!"

Nino briskly walked to the other side of the room to where the window was.

A Little Bit Of Luck (Quintessential Quintuplets x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now