What Is Love

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It was now two days after Nino's and Y/N's perfectly executed date. It was the fifth period of the day and as the school camp was near, the period got called off. Fuutarou and Y/N were walking through the corridor together, not much chatter stirred among the two other than Fuutarou constantly bringing up one topic.

Fuutarou: "Which topic do you think we should tutor the quintuplets? We haven't gone other Japanese in a while..."

While Fuutarou was all caught up in his thoughts, an energetic voice came closer and closer to him. 

???: "Uesugi-san!"

As by how she pronounced Fuutarou's name, it was clearly Yotsuba the one approaching him. She darted into the back of Fuutarou and bashed into him playfully using him as means of slowing down but her plan didn't go completely as she thought as Fuutarou almost fell over due to the sudden push from behind. Once he regained his balance, he turned around and glared at Yotsuba angrily.

Fuutarou: "Y-Yotsuba!"

Yotsuba: "Tomorrow is finally the day."

Miku was also with Yotsuba, she had finally caught up by simply walking over unlike Yotsuba who started sprinting once she saw the two of them.

Fuutarou: "For what?"

Y/N sighed and turned to face the totally oblivious Fuutarou.

Y/N: "You really live under a rock don't you... It's the school camp. The reason we're not in lesson right now... Anyways, it's tomorrow!"

Yotsuba: "Of course! What else would've it been?"

Yotsuba then pulled out a green book that she was hiding behind her back the whole time. The front of the book displayed various different activities that would be taking place during the school camp.

Yotsuba: "Haven't you read it yet!"

Fuutarou: "I haven't. I will do but I have more important matters at hand."

Yotsuba: "Well it's got lots of fun activities. It's got outdoor cooking, skiing, fishing, hiking..."

Yotsuba jumped around Fuutarou and did a brief pose for every activity she explained. But once she got to her most favourite part, she stopped and looked up at Fuutarou and Y/N in awe.

Yotsuba: "...and then... the campfire! It's a dance of legend! Any pairs who are dancing when it ends are destined to spend their lives together. I heard many people started dating because of it."

Yotsuba mentioned the campfire with a dreamy voice, the so-called legend had really enticed the energetic quintuplet and really had got her excited even more for the school camp.

Fuutarou: "It's just some rumour. I don't have time for something like that, it's a waste of time."

Fuutarou shrugged off the so called legend Yotsuba had mentioned and turned away from her which had made Yotsuba really disappointed.

Yotsuba: "But still. Wouldn't you want to want to date someone who you have feelings for? Right Miku?"

Yotsuba waited silently for Miku to answer her question but she wasn't given a response when she wanted one. 

Yotsuba: "Miku?"

Miku however was heavily in thought from Yotsuba's question too.

Miku: "Why do we date people we like..?"

Miku looked at the ground puzzled, trying to think of an answer. That was then someone had approached her from behind, placing a hand on her shoulder.

???: "That's because you love the person so much that you just can't help it. Have you ever felt what that is like, Miku."

A Little Bit Of Luck (Quintessential Quintuplets x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now