Reflect & Regret

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The ski slope had now shut down for the day as the sun began to set over the mountainous horizon. The ski shops were filled to the rim with students from across different schools all returning their ski gear at once which was no surprise from the store employees as this would happen a lot of the time. However, the quintuplets and their two tutors all returned their equipment earlier than the rest as one of their own had fallen under a fever, that being Fuutarou Uesugi.

The squad of five consisting of Ichika, Miku, Yotsuba, Y/N and Fuutarou were all accompanying Fuutarou to his room in order to get some rest with the headteacher of their school following them.

Y/N: "You really shouldn't force yourself next time..."

Y/N was currently being used as a support for the limping Fuutarou who's condition wasn't in the greatest of states.

Fuutarou: "S-Sorry... I should've known better."

Y/N: "I swear, if I get a fever from this too I really won't be the happiest man when I next see you..."

Fuutarou didn't respond as he dropped his head weakly and quietly chuckled to himself. Y/N sighed from Fuutarou's actions and continued to be Fuutarou's support until they reached their room.

Y/N: "This is the room, headteacher."

Headteacher: "Alright, I'm glad you volunteered to bring him here. We'll let Uesugi-kun get some rest here and see how he recovers."

As the headteacher was talking, he walked around the students and took out a master key from his pocket and used it to open the door to Fuutarou's room. The three quintuplets stared at the men in front of them as Y/N walked inside the room and plopped Fuutarou on his bed.

Yotsuba: "I-I'll stay behind and monitor him."

Ichika: "I should stay too, I brought up the game of tag so it's only fair I stay as punishme-..."

Ichika at first was whole-hearted about staying behind but remembered her promise to Y/N that she was going to meet him in private at the campfire to discuss a certain matter.

The quintuplets all heard a voice shout from around the corner.

Fuutarou: "What is the point of you guys even being here? Shouldn't you be preparing for the party. Me and Y/N share this room so it's only reasonable for him to be here, not you guys. Just leave me be for tonight."

Ichika: "We're just worried about you Fuutarou-kun."

Headteacher: "You heard the man, so it's best for you to scram... From now on this room is out of bounds for everyone."

Small gasps escaped the mouths of the quintuplets and Y/N as they were all surprised from the sudden order from the headteacher.

Y/N: "But I need to... That's my room, where will I sleep?"

Headteacher: "We have a few spare rooms booked for occasions like this so if you could pack your stuff and head over there that would be great."

Y/N: "What's also great is the fact I've been kicked out of my own room... Alright, there's nothing I can really do. Do you mind helping me girls?"

Yotsuba: "Sure, I don't mind!"

Ichika: "Well, the more of us, the quicker we can get to the campfire so I'll help."

Miku: "Fine..."

The three girls all smiled faintly as they began to pack stuff bit by bit and transport it to Y/N's new individual room which fortunately was only a few doors down from where his old room was. 10 minutes passed and all of Y/N's belongings had been successfully moved from one room to the other in a surprisingly short amount of time. The headteacher then went on to lock the door to Fuutarou's room with the sisters and Y/N giving their goodbyes to him as the headteacher stayed in there to monitor his condition.

A Little Bit Of Luck (Quintessential Quintuplets x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now