Chase Your Dreams

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Just a quick note before this chapter starts:

Italics: Past

Not Italics: Present

I will also separate the past and the present with ********** just to make it a bit more clear when there is a change too since I do italics when a characters is speaking to themselves in their thoughts.

Now that that's out of the way, on with the chapter!


Fuutarou: "Let's start from the beginning shall we... Y/N had a rather normal childhood, he was born naturally, had no disabilities of the sorts, he didn't have any fatal injuries and attended school just like we all did. That all changed however eight years ago..."


After a rather simple day at school, Y/N had just been driven home from school by his Mother. It was a Friday and just like any eight year old kid would be, he was super excited for the weekend as there was no school for two days. He rushed through the front door of his home, took off the shoes he would wear to school everyday and dashed upstairs to his room. 

A few hours went by and Y/N was starting to get hungry so he set down the device he was using to watch videos on and went downstairs to see what was for dinner and how long left there was until it was prepared and ready to eat. Well, he got the answer that he was looking for which was ten minutes until dinner was ready but the faces of both of his parents were both mixed with gloom and questioning. Both of his parents stood in silence deep in thought over something. But the young and naïve Y/N didn't notice any oddness and ran back up into his room. 

Ten minutes went by and Y/N darted back downstairs and dinner was being served so he sat down at the table and waited for the food to be dished out. Once everything had been set on the dinner table, the L/N family began to eat their dinner. Just like the last time Y/N was in the kitchen, the atmosphere was quiet and no conversation was being brought up. Y/N's naivety yet again thought nothing of this as he continued to eat the contents that were placed in front of him.

A few hours later, it was now Y/N's bedtime which wasn't amazing news for Y/N to hear at all so he miserably shut off the game he was playing and moodily tucked himself into bed after brushing his teeth. He then began to shut his eyes and slowly drift off to sleep until he heard footsteps from across his room that alerted his attention which made Y/N turn to see who it was... It was his Father.

Y/N: "Dad..."

His Father crouched down so that he was eye level with his son who was lying down on his bed ready to go to sleep.

Dad: "Do you want to hear a story before you go to sleep... I think this one is the best of the best."

Y/N loved to hear his Father's weird and wacky stories that he would tell him before he would go to sleep. When Y/N heard his dad mentioned the word story, he sprung up and sat up with excitement.

Y/N: "A story! Yes please."

Y/N's dad wasted no extra second and began to tell his son a story that he had never heard of before. Y/N mostly got repeated stories but he did not mind as he still enjoyed the stories told by his own Father. The story he got told was about a man that had to leave almost everything behind just to pursue his ultimate dream in life. So much of his life had built up to this moment but he had so so much that he had to leave behind if he wanted to pursue his dream. After lots of thought, he said to himself that he couldn't back out of the life he wanted now and he chased down and achieved his dream. The man later on went to life happily ever after and was proud he made the choice to follow his dream.

A Little Bit Of Luck (Quintessential Quintuplets x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now