Lies and Deception

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Time: 8:32 AM

After getting an unexpected extra hour rest, Y/N risen from his slumber rolling over to the left so that he was laying down on his back stretching his arms into the air all while his eyes remained shut, this time successfully without any obstacle in his way to prevent him. Due to the free movement Y/N was accessed to, he was reminded of the events that happened not too long ago. Y/N brought his eyes open in a flash and scanned the room for any presence and his answer was very clear. Miku was nowhere to be seen. Her phone that sat on her bedside cabinet seemed to be missing and the room curtain in her room was at a different length than it originally was.

Y/N: *in mind* "Could that of been a dream...? No it couldn't of been. I could feel 'them', there's no way I'd be able to feel 'them' in a dream would I? Did the quint who was at the door see us? No, I would of been woken up, thank god for that... Hold on. If Miku left, then that means..."

Many of different outcome possibilities began to swarm Y/N's mind in an instant.

Y/N: *in mind* "Oh no. She would of known wouldn't she... Shit, what if she came to her own bed instinctively in the middle of the night... What if it was-, no there's no way that she would do that, of course not, I'd only see that action come from Ichika's mouth and it's not like she'd do that anyways to begin with... It must of been an accident. It must of been an accident for her to sleep with me. No, the way she was clinging to me... It was coincidence, it had to be coincidence. What if she was reaching out to something in a dream and moved her own arms and-, that's probably it... That's what must of happened. She won't do such a thing purposefully, that's not like the Miku I know."

Y/N then escaped the comfy fortress also known as Miku's bed and went to one of the four corner's of the room where he had folded his clothes neatly before going to bed. He dressed himself back into his school uniform that he wore yesterday. Y/N picked up his phone from the desk opposite the bed and saw that there was a few message displayed on the screen. Y/N read through a couple messages and started to question one of them.

Y/N: *in mind* "They're all in the public library? Weird."

Y/N continued to read the texts that were shown on the digital device's screen until one gave him a slight dose of deja vu. The message read: 'Miku if you read this, we can't find you anywhere and we've been looking for you for a while now so we'll be in the public library a few minutes from home.'

Y/N: *in mind* "Well... I wonder where she could of been... I'm not toooo sure either."

Y/N then finished gazing at the messages and turned off his phone while sliding it into his pocket. Y/N then went towards the door of Miku's room and went to unlock the door but realised it was already unlocked and exited Miku's room. He looked downstairs to see if there was any signs of life and saw one of the sisters sleeping on the dining table with various different books and equipment scattered across it. One key featured that the sister was wearing was Miku's headphones, this gave Y/N quite the scare but calmed down relatively quickly after seeing the yellow star-shaped pins in her hair indicating that it was Itsuki.

Y/N: *in mind* "She's asleep. Best to let Itsuki-chan rest for now, she's probably tired from the studying we did last night and it's also good for her not to work on a sleepy brain too."

Y/N silently creeped down the stairs and past Itsuki, he then went to the front door to meet up with the others as he already knew that he was going to make a late entrance due to the emptiness of the Nakano apartment. Once Y/N had travelled to the other side of the apartment, he reached for the front door but it had already opened before he had grasped the handle causing the door to slam straight into his hand causing Y/N to retract his hand by instinct. Y/N looked down to his hand to check for any damage but fortunately there wasn't any harm done. He flicked his head back up at the door to see who's presence was before him.

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