Hide and Seek

813 31 7

Fireworks Show Ends In...




The two only embraced silence not having a single clue on how to put the pieces together on how to gather the five sisters together to watch a good portion of the fireworks show all together... That was when the longer haired individual spoke up.

Nino: "What did I do to deserve watching the fireworks with you?"

Y/N: "Well you should of told them about the location of this place!" 

Y/N was frustrated with Nino through how he was raising his voice at her and also so she could hear him through the explosions of the fireworks lighting up the night sky of Tokyo. This was by knowing how she completely forgot to tell her sisters about the location of the rooftop they all were supposed to watch the fireworks together. Worst case scenario is that she isn't able to contact her sisters in any way and the money paid for the renting of the rooftop all goes to waste...

Nino: " I can't get any hold of them on my phone. I worked so hard to finish my homework too... Why is this happening?" 

Y/N: "Didn't I tell you already..."

Nino had felt her phone start to vibrate and it displayed she was receiving a call from her younger sister Yotsuba by the text on the digital screen reading 'Yotsuba'. Without any hesitation, Nino accepted the call and brought the phone to her right ear.

Nino: "Yotsuba? Where are you? ... The clock tower? ... Yeah, ok. I'll come and get you so stay there." 

Nino then slid her phone in her yukata's slide pocket and faced Y/N.

Nino: "Both the Uesugi's are with Yotsuba. She said that she found Fuutarou wandering aimlessly until he found her and Raiha-chan."

Y/N: "Ok, and?"

Nino: "God your so stupid. Go get her already. Call them!"

Y/N: "On it."

Y/N brought out his phone from his pocket as the time displayed 19:05...

Y/N: *in mind* "It's already 19:05! How did time go so quick."

After experiencing the sudden shock of how quick time flies he went to his contacts slid down to where Fuutarou was on his recent calls and called him.



After a short period of Y/N's phone vibrating next to his ear, it eventually stopped to read 'Call Not Answered.' Y/N hung his head low in anger.

Y/N: "Not picking up..."

Nino: "What? Call the other one."

Y/N: "I don't have Raiha-chan's number. Even so, I don't think she even has a phone. God he's so useless!"

Nino: "Your useless!"

Y/N: "Your useless for not giving you sisters the place you were watching the fireworks at... Which we are here now!"

...Actually, we all know who's really useless...

Y/N: "Hold on..."

Y/N recognised something and went to lean over the rail and look down to the crowded streets of the festival which Nino had followed Y/N's actions by doing the same too. Y/N pointed towards a similar looking short pink-haired individual.

A Little Bit Of Luck (Quintessential Quintuplets x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now