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Hi, beautiful babies! I'm back with another story🌊🦋


             You are my strange addiction
            You are my strange addiction
               My doctors can't explain
             My symptoms or my pain
      But you are my strange addiction
        Bite my glass, set myself on fire
             Can't you tell I'm crass?
            Can't you tell I'm wired?
              Tell me nothin' lasts
                Like I don't know
You could kiss my askin' about my motto😈

Okay so humans from Earth7777, today we are going to read about the earth3333, which is infinite miles away. But they have kind of the same looks like us.

But in this world, it is ruled by two species- The werewolf's and the Vampires. Humans are either serves or at better positions but always under the two.

When their world started, just like ours there was Adam and Eve. But Adam was a vampire and Eve was a werewolf. They thought they were the only one there but to their suprise there was another person, Jonas a human.

It's said that the hate between the vampires and the werewolf started from the birth of Jonas.
Jonas was so beautiful, his skin was so pretty.. his blood, was soo sweeet. he looked so ethereal that both Eve and Adam fell in love with him. And the fight to have him to the fight to have the world started because they both were strong.

The fight between them has been since forever, the thirst of each other's blood is too high.

Time passed, they forgot about Jonas and started to create a whole world in the hunger of power.

But one thing they couldn't fight was the power of moon goodness.
Every night she would watch both Adam and Eve stare at her with loniliness and pain in their heart. The feeling of Loniliness made them loose themselves slowly and gradually.

So she decided to make mates.
The mates were for all three species, the werewolves had their mates, the vampires had their mates and so did humans. But there was one issue, it wasn't always that the vampires would have vampires as their mates and same was for like everyone.

This enraged Adam and Eve and they rejected it. But then they got to know, that's it's a kind of a pull that no one could refuse, it was stronger than the universe it self.
So they decided to have an ally, a peaceful pact between them that allows every species to mate but the there would always be two rulers.

But yes a lot of times their generations did have a brawl and blood bath, but that now happened 30 years back. So now the new king and queen of the world would be expected to not fight at all.. but there have been some rumours about them hating each other to death- who knows what is going on.

Open your book, take out chapter 15 and read the information available.

Chapter 15.

A voice said- Princess, Princess. Wake up it's time for you to go to your college.
The girl under the covers groaned angrily and shouted- No! do hell with these college. I am going to be a fucking queen and still I have to turn my assignments? You know the moment I would be the queen I would literally throw the system of homework's- argh.

The old lady rubbed her temples anxiously knowing how the queen would be pissed if the princess doesn't wakes up.
She pulled out her covers and opened the curtains letting the burning sun's rays fall on her face making her groan.

Sidnaaz- Tales of Love✨❤️Where stories live. Discover now