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Sana walks inside the class and the teacher looks at her and bows slightly. The students were getting up when Sana shows her hand asking them not to get up.

It's very comman, because she was the future queen of this world. The respect and the pressure was bound to come.

Sana sits down near the window and starts to look out watching a group of boys playing footballs.
Her eyes landed on a very familiar shoulders walking towards the boys who quickly stopped the game and bowed.
He nods his head and asks to play with him.

Sana wanted to roll her eyes but couldn't stop watching him what is he doing the next.
She watches him run in his inhuman vampire speed making goals. He kicks off the humans and the werewolf as if he's the only one playing it.
Sana rolls her eyes at his cocky nature and looks back into his notebook starting to write a poem, or try to write one as it was her writing class.

The teacher asks Sana to recite her poem.
Sana dusts her pants and gets up with a confident aura and picks up her notebook and starts to say-
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sana is the best ruler
Sid, what about you?

She looks at the teacher with a very confident look who is shocked at her poem.
Everyone shuffles uncomfortable when Sana cocks her eyebrows making the teacher quickly fake up a smile and clapped his hands.
Teacher- Woah! That was really deep princess, it-it's very inspirational! Class, understand how to write poems by the princess herself .

Sana internally scoffs and sits down while she takes out the other paper, which seemed to have the original poem she had.
Roses are red,
But mine seemed to be white,
The world seems to bow down,
Even though I'm wrong or right.
Violets are blue,
Everyone seems to be fake to me,
Would I find someone who would be as real and clear as the sea?

She crumbles it and keeps it in her purse and then gets up and goes out of the class while the lecture continued.
She walks through the empty corridors while her heels clanks on the ground.

She stops in the middle and looks around and smiles to herself- Alone as always.
She walks towards the canteen and watches everyone look at her to get up when she puts hand up with a sigh.

She goes closer to a table when she watches the others quickly get up and leave.
She groans internally and hurts silently on not having a friend ever.
The chefs inside run towards her getting her home cooked gourmet food infront of her.
She looks at everyone and says- please continue eating.

Everyone looks away and starts to talk and laugh normally.
She looks around with a sad sigh and then looks back at her boiled food.
She picks up her fork and starts to stab the food as her ears are perked up on how girls talk to other girls, the way they discuss about their likes and dislikes. She never had anyone to talk about it than the servants but they were too old to talk about boys, boys? Huh she never ever had the experience of it.

Suddenly she felt a white tiffin box on the table and heard gasps.
She looks up and sees an unfamiliar guy looking up at her with a very heart warming smile.
She gulps as he says- Hi! I am Rick! I saw you sitting alone so I thought I could come-
Suddenly he was thrown out on the floor by few gaurds which makes Sana gasp in horror.

She sees Sid's gaurds pinning him down while Sid walks with his hands in his arms with two more with his jaw clenched.
He looks at her and a smirk comes on his face.
Sana angrily gets up and says- You!!!! Get your fucking gaurds off the boy!
Sid crossed his arms and said- Why? Why won't I!?

Sid looks at the boy wincing in pain in extreme disgust- Do you know he's a fucking pathetic weak human. He's not allowed to be near you.
Sana looks at him and says- He can, he's my friend.
Sid looks at her shocked for a second but plasters a fake smirk and says- Is is it so? Oh!

He looks at his gaurds and the gaurds quickly nods and leaves the boy alone.
Sana gives him her hand as he painfully stands up.
Everyone is shocked at her warm behaviour while Sid clenched his jaw in anger and storms off.
Sana- Come out, your face is bruised.
The boy nods and walks with her holding his tiffin innocently.

She makes him sit in her VIP room and takes out a Band aid and very coldly says- A-aply it.
Rick grinned at her and puts it on his cut and then forwards her his tiffin.
Rick- I saw you eating something boring, here my mom made paranthas try it out.
Sana looks at it like an alien and says- What is it?
Rick looks at her shocked and said- You don't know what a parantha is?
Sana shakes her head.

Rick- Then quickly have it!
Sana nods and then takes a morsel and puts in her mouth and her eyes widens.
Rick chuckles softly as Sana starts to eat the two paranthas with butter.
Sana looks at him and says- Could you bring it for me- again? I- I love this!
Rick giggled and nodded.
Rick- Can I be your friend?
Sana looked at his forwarded hand as her heart beat loudly, she never heard these lines before.

She quickly nods and shakes it happily.

After the college as Sana was about to enter her car, she was pulled inside the black one.
Sana growls and was about to scratch the person when she realised it was Sid.

Sana growls angrily and says- Why did you pull me in?
Sid cocks his head at the side and says- Why can't I do that? I see you being too happy with your new friend huh? I wonder how sweet his blood would be?
Sana's eyes turned yellow as she glared at him protectively and said- Dare you do something like that- I'll kill you.

Sid grabs her neck and pulls her closer to his face as his eyes turns black, which means- extreme possessiveness.
Sid- Did you just threaten me for a random human? I can crush him in a minute. Did you fall in love with him or what?
Sana- Are you mad? He's just a friend.
Sid slides his index finger on her neck and whispers- he better be that only!
He clears his throat- because you are the future queen.

Sana- don't remind me. And let me go, your cold blooded stench is suffocating me. Lies.
Sid leaves her neck and opens the door and says- get out.
Sana huffs and gets out and sits inside hers. She starts to breath heavily and whispers stop it stop it.

As sana drives off, Sid calls his gaurds and says- Keep an eye on her and make sure she reaches home safely!
He cuts the call and watches the smoke as her car roars and he sighs.

Around midnight

Sana walks to the forest alone silently and looks around.
She closes her eyes as the silent forest heard the cracking sound.
Sana painfully goes on the ground as her wolf comes out.
It's a beautiful big white wolf that howls up looking at the moon.

She starts to run in the field as she hears Eva ( Her wolf) say- God I finally feel so free!!! I was feeling so suffocated in the castle!!!
Sana grins as they run faster towards the moon shinning in the pond.

She reached the pond and ducks her paws inside the water and giggles at the cold water.
Just when she freezes.
She feels a very particular scent stop her, she whips her head on the side and watches sid comes out of the tree wipping his mouth which was dripping of blood.

Sana grimaces and looks back at the moon when sid says- Ohh is the little puppy out to have fun?
The wolf whimpers while Sana growls.
Sana blocks her wolf's voices and was about to go out when sid says- Don't- don't fall in love with anyone.

Sana doesn't look back but stares at the moon while sid looks at the moon.

She slowly walks out and whispers- I don't want to.

THE STORY IS SLOWLY SLOWLY SETTING IN! You are here for a mushy amazing romance!

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