Fear Broken

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"Hey, Lukey, it's time to wake up." I shot around in bed, trying not to listen to the voice invading my peaceful sleep. "Lucas, please." I retorted by shaking my head rapidly. "Lukey, do it for me?" I froze in place. I sighed, sitting up and looking at the owner of the voice. My brother, Claus. He was looking at me; a bit of a somber look on his face. "Why're you such a bother to wake up?"

"Maybe I like being a brat," I chuckled.

"Pft, you accomplished that years ago." Claus stood up and walked over to my closet. "Now let's go, you need to change."

"Change? But I'm in perfectly good clothes right now," I said as I looked down at the outfit I was wearing. It was very basic. I was the type of person who never really changed clothes for sleep. I would just wear whatever it was I was wearing at the time to go to sleep in. I never understood the whole pajama thing. Sounds like too much effort to change into new and different clothes just to sleep in. And plus, these clothes aren't dirty, why can't I go to school with them on?

"Let's go, Lukey. Change. Now."

"Ugh, fine," I said as I caved in. It didn't take too much to make me cave in, I don't like hearing him nag at me. It always made me feel a little bad that he'd need to put so much effort into making me do something that most normal people probably do without a single thought about it, just fully natural.

I quickly changed into my new clothes, plopping my old ones on the ground for later washing. "You really should get a basket for your dirty clothes."

"First of all, they're not dirty, second, I have a basket."

"Lemme guess, too much effort to grab them?"

"Correct! You know me so well."

"It's my job to know you. But we don't have enough time to argue, let's get going to school shall we?" I nodded my head before grabbing some makeup. "You still gonna use that?"

"Of course. I need to." I applied the makeup all over my face, I couldn't allow people to see beneath it. We left the house. There was not much else to say from then on. Oh wait, I hated school. Not for the reasons most people hate school. Overall, I loved the feeling of school. I liked walking through the halls with my backpack. I liked sitting in class as a teacher was teaching us various things. I enjoyed getting homework. I enjoyed the projects and whatnot. I enjoyed all of that. But what I hated was the people. I didn't like how I needed to be in such close proximity to loads of people I have no idea who they are. I could easily have learned them, mind you. If I tried, I could make loads of friends. It was just WAY too much damn effort to do that kind of stuff. I'm a simple man. I don't need too many, if any at all, friends.

The school was pretty big, big compared to the other schools I'd been to, though. It was just a few halls stacked on top of each other, but hey, it got the job done that's for sure. My first class was PE. I love PE. I get to work out and feel like I'm stronger than I actually am. Oh, I also liked playing sports. It reminded me of a time when I was at least somewhat athletic. I waited in the gymnasium until the first bell rang and so I walked to the locker room. I enjoyed being the first one there so I didn't have to show anyone my body. But today, I wasn't the first person. There was another guy here.

"You've got this Lukey," Claus said from my side. I nodded my head until I walked to my locker. Which, of course, as fate would have it, was right next to the other guy's. I tried opening it without allowing any contact with him, but this damn extrovert.

"Heya, Lucas," he said. I was quite surprised he knew my name. I know his name, of course, Ness. But I didn't expect myself to be memorable enough to have my name memorized. I looked at him and forced a smile.

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