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This is relatively short by my standards of writing my chapters, but I hope yall like it. Chapters may get a bit rocky with Pokemon Sword and Shield coming next week. But I digress, I totally am not just stalling to make it seem longer than it is. Ok, I lost how to stall now, so enjoy, for a second time I guess.


Me and Ninten rush into the abandoned building. We hid along the wall of the entrance. The door had fallen out the doorway so we can look in without moving anything, but there are two doorways from here. Ninten looked up at me and pointed to the door he was next to, I pointed to mine and we separated. I saw a table and I hid underneath it. I stayed crawling on the ground as I go from table to table. I started to hear some walking. I put two fingers to my ear. "Eyes on noodlehead?"

"No, but I saw Copycat."

"Crap, be careful. Copycat is fast."

"I know- fuck, Scarfer out," I heard a cut in the mic. I took a breather and ran to the entrance for the hall. I looked left and right. I ran to the right and soon found a door. I heard some footsteps from behind me so I rushed in. I bumped right into noodlehead. He was going to say something so I covered his mouth with my hand. The footsteps I heard from before soon arrived outside the door. The footsteps moved on. I didn't breath until they were inaudible. I turned to Noodlehead. I then smacked his chest with the back of my hand.

"You big dope, tryna get us killed," I said.

"Calm down Ness we're cool," Noodlehead claimed.

"Now we need to find Scarfer you big idiot," I said as I got to the door.

"Bet you love this big ass huh?" Noodlehead joked.

"If only you knew Lucas," I said in my head, forgetting he could read it.

"What was that?" he asked. I cleared my throat.

"Coast is clear let's go," I said. I grabbed his hand and ran to the opposite direction of the footsteps. Lucas opened a door on the right and was found a staircase. We walked down it and heard something swinging. We brought out a small flashlight. We looked around the room. There was a small closet close to us, but we didn't get enough time to consume the rest of the room until the door opened. We rushed to the room and quietly, but quickly closed the door. Lucas backed up into me. He grabbed my arms and moved it around me.

"What if she comes in here?" He asked me in his mind.

"We're fucked, like category 10 fucked," I thought back. We heard a thud.

"Come on, stand on your own two feet Claus, I thought you were stronger than your brother," a girl's voice said.

"Claus," Lucas thought concerned.

"And where is your beloved Ninten," she continued.

"What?" Clause said confused. "I don't-"

"Don't even attempt lying," she said.

"Luke, this might sound crazy but hear me out," I thought.


"What about we try to escape and stay by the wall, Kumatora is distracted."

"I'm not leaving my brother."

"I'm not saying that, but we can cause a ruckus, get her to move there, then save Clause and find Ninten."

"Sure, but I don't think we'll be able to pull it off."


"Fine, what do you wanna bet?"

"If we win, I get a kiss from you, if we lose I have to go to school tomorrow naked."

"Sounds like I win either way." I could tell by the way he said that he was joking, or maybe it was the doubt in my head of him liking me. One of my head swears he doesn't like me the way I do, but my other head feels so opposite that he drools white liquid because of it.

"If that's the way you deem a win."

"Well, let's get this over with." Lucas walked forward and opened the door slightly. Both of us peeked out. We saw nothing but Kumatora's brightly colored hair. He looked at me and we both nodded. We then ran quietly along the wall. Our quiet footsteps ensuring us we'll be safe for a while. We're just hoping that Kumaora's psi doesn't catch us. We soon saw another doorway opened. Lucas kneeled down and held his hand to the ground. Suddenly a red snake came out. "Alright, little guy, be as annoying as you could be," he whispered to the snake. I never understand how he does what he does, but if he can from a snake from his hands, I'm scared of what else he can do. What if you knew someone who just formed a snake out their hands, you'd be scared to fuck with them like me. But that doesn't mean you're not scared of fucking that person if you catch what I'm throwing down.

The Snake slithered into the room and Lucas looked at me. "Let's go," he said. I nodded and followed him as we continued to run along the wall. That's when a loud crash came from the closet. We saw Kumatora look in that direction and walked there. Lucas and I ran and picked up Claus.

"You sneaky sons of bitches," Claus said.

"Shut up Copycat," I said without fully opening my mouth.

"I still hate that name," he crossed his hands.

"Well then, you shouldn't have lost that bet," I taunted. Lucas smacked the back of my head.

"We don't have time for this," Lucas said. We nodded and ran to the original door. We still needed to carry Claus because he couldn't walk. There was one final door and when we opened it we saw Ninten playing dead. He had his tongue out.

"Your death face sucks," I said. He shot up a middle finger without many other movements. Lucas kneeled to Ninten's ear and said something probably meant to be quieter.

"I'll tell Claus you like him if you stay dead," Lucas said. Claus' face changed to one of surprise. Ninten shot up.

"Let's get the hell out of here," Ninten said running. This more or less confirmed what Lucas had said. We followed him. Once we exited the building we rung a nearby bell. We waited a little and Kumatora came out with the Rope Snake.

"You guys are Grade A Bitches you know that," she said letting the snake on the ground. He wrapped himself around Lucas' neck.

"We are," I started. Claus had been let down, and all of us leaned against each other.

"Incognito," we said in unison.

"I'll get you guys' money tomorrow," Kumatora said.

"Don't forget you owe me ten more now that I told everyone about Ninten," Lucas yelled to her. She continued walking away and held up her middle finger.

"Well then, go suck Ness' dick then instead of ten bucks," She yelled back. He laughed and looked at me. He shrugged.

"You ass, I told you that in confidence," Ninten smacked Lucas. Claus smacked the back of Ninten's head. "C-Claus it's-"

"Shut up, you're buying me dinner whether you like it or not," Clause said dragging him away.

"B-But I don't have any money."

"Then buy money."


"I CAN SCREAM TO. AHHHHHHHHHHH. SEE, I CAN SCREAM TOO." I sighed. I looked to Lucas who was smiling.

"So, where's my kiss huh?" Lucas said with a smug smile.

"I-I didn't know you actually believed me," I nervously said. He didn't say anything. He just looked at me like he was expecting me to do more than I was doing now. "W-well, y-you see, I-I." Lucas laughed.

"Fine then, I'll trade the kiss in for a date. How's that?" he asked. I smiled.

"Fine by me, but expect a random kiss," I winked. We walked away to go eat dinner. Only to find out we were out so late that every restaurant was closed. We stood outside the final restaurant. I took one long, deep, and hard breath. "Fuck." Lucas laughed.

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