School ball

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Ugh, today is the worst day in the existence of man, school is back up. I loved winter break, but man, it's too short. Welp, I guess there's no way to turn back time. As much as I'd love to act like I was sick, Claus would see through that act faster than I could finish the act. After dragging myself out of my bed I change into my normal striped shirt. I make sure my hair is as--according to Ness--Ice-creamy as it can be. I walked out of the house, with Claus, and walked to the bus stop. Claus was still very much asleep. We got to the stop sign and I saw him lean against the sign and fell asleep. I gently nudged him, but nothing. "Claus?" I ask. After hearing some small groans he forced his eyes open.

"What Lucas?" he asked.

"You seriously sleeping?"

"Yea, I had like no sleep last night." I sighed and looked away. I crossed my arms.

"It's 'cause of that damn show."

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY SUCH HORRIBLE THINGS 'BOUT SOUTH PARK!" This sudden outburst spooked me. He then crossed his arms and at this time the bus was spotted down the road. We both gave a small sigh of sadness that our breaks are over. The bus soon stopped in front of the stop sign and we hopped on. I looked around and saw Ness toward the back. I walked over and sat next to him. He didn't pay much attention to me, and to be quite frank, I think he's asleep. I sighed and felt a small vibration. I looked around and saw a light coming from Ness' pocket, his phone. I grabbed it and turned the phone on. He's foolish enough to not have a password. I went through his phone, but sadly I found nothing too fun. The notification was just from Youtube.

"Luke, the hell you doing?" Ness asked. I looked at him and smirked.

"Tried to see if you had anything that I could use as blackmail." He gave a small chuckle and snatched his phone back.

"Find anything?"


"Good thing you didn't look through my search history," he laughed.

"I was too scared to." We just chatted as we begrudgingly headed off to school.

We've been in school for quite a while now. Still feels like forever, but time is a bitch. We were in our second to last classes now. The loudspeaker came on, and the voice of the principal, my goddamn grandpa, Alec. I hate him, he constantly embarrasses me, I feel like he does it on purpose because of a secret I told him, or rather, he figured out. Either way, I dread hearing his voice over the intercom. "Welcome back students, we are proud that all of you are back after a wonderful break. I just wanted to say, we'll be holding a winter dance next week to celebrate coming back," his voice said. I rolled my eyes and looked away from the speaker in the corner of the room's roof.

"Like anyone is celebrating being back," I said to myself.

"And Lucas is single and ready to mingle."

"Aw goddammit," I said blushing from the sheer embarrassment. I looked around the room and saw some eyes on me, but mainly I saw Ness'. He was trying not to laugh, so I gave him the middle finger. He just winked at me. Soon enough the class ended and we entered the last one. After that class, the first day back was over. I met up with Ness and Ninten, we met just outside the entrance.

"Your grandpa is the best person ever," Ninten laughed. I looked at him with evil in my eyes. He calmly placed his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll find someone for the dance soon." I shook his hand away and started to walk home.

"Not like I'd go anyway." Ness must've heard me because he ran up to me and held a confused look.

"You not going?" he asked.

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