Break up to make up Pt 1

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Today's my birthday and I saw somewhere that Spencer is a Libra so here's some angst for all the Libra's...


He'd been the one to suggest that they take a break. With the stress they were both under from work and football, their relationship was taking the brunt of their frustrations. Olivia had agreed and they moved into their 'together but not together' phase. They'd made it about three weeks before they became friends with benefits. They still craved each other and the rawest form of release that only the other could give so even though they both knew that it wouldn't end well, they divulged. They made it a month before he said that they needed a clean break. No hooking up, no blurred lines, a clean cut break up. She knew that he was right but that didn't help her feel any better about it. Still, she sucked it up and agreed, packing his belongings into a box that she left by the front door of the Baker house, making sure she was away when he came to pick it up, knowing she was unable to stomach seeing him bring her own stuff back to her.

That was six months ago, and the first two months were miserable. Olivia would force herself out of bed and truly spent more time focusing on her own spiritual wellbeing and mental health with nurse Joy, she needed to take care of herself even if her world felt like it was falling apart. She made sure to meet up with Jordan twice a week far away from the beach house or any other place she had a greater chance of bumping into Spencer James. She slowly but surely built herself back up and by month three she was able to see Spencer without running in the other direction. By month four she was able to hear his name in conversation without flinching, By month five she was able to drop things off at the beach house, see him, and continue on with her day without any lasting effects. But month six brought the biggest change, some of her colleagues wanted her to start dating again. She spent weeks building herself up to even thinking about it, but Simone reminded her of one key detail, Spencer ended things, everything about the end of their relationship happened on his terms, if she was ready to start dating, she was absolutely allowed to do so.

She didn't tell her roommates about the date; she didn't think they needed to know since it wasn't anything serious. She definitely didn't tell Jordan; he would tell Spencer and that would be a problem she didn't need. She made sure to share her location with Simone and she went to dinner with a senior who was mutual friends with the photographer for the paper, Eric. It was a nice night, and he was patient, kind, respectful, all around a great guy. Liv wasn't sure if she was ready for another relationship, but she was sure that Eric was going to be a great friend to her.

She was headed home when Jordan called, begging for her to come to the beach house saying that their friends were in dire need, and she was the only one missing. She begged, pleaded really, with her brother to give her half an hour but he refused, demanding that she drop everything and come right that instance.

That's how she ended up here. Standing at the front door of a house that contains her nosy twin brother, nosier roommates, and her ex-boyfriend that she just got over in a cocktail dress that screams that she was out on a date.

JJ opened the door and his jaw hit the floor.

"You look great Liv!" He exclaimed loudly.

Olivia quietly thanked him before cringing when the sound of her heels echoed through the house. She rounded the corner and everyone's faces changed. Layla and Patience looked in awe of her outfit, Asher looked like he wanted someone to tell him how to react, Coop stared at Spencer, Jordan immediately frowned, and Spencer's face quickly went from scared to trying to hide desire.

Olivia turned to Jordan before lowering herself onto a bar stool across the room from everyone else.

"Would you like to tell me why I'm here?" She asked as she crossed her legs and attempted to keep her dress down.

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