you like me when i'm angry

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}Set in 1x01{

Loki sat on the bed in his cell, absentmindedly throwing a small stress ball against the wall.

By the norns, he was bored...and pissed.

The hours passed by at a snail's pace in this damned cell. He just didn't know what to do with himself in this drab, lifeless room.

Then, as if his prayers had been answered, the door to his cell was opened by none other than Agent Mobius. The white-haired analyst strolled into the room, carefully shutting the door behind him.

"What are you doing here? Are you hoping to torture some sort of information out of me?" Loki says darkly, trying to convey a threatening appearance in front of the analyst. Mobius was unfazed, just smirking at the God's feeble attempt at making himself seem threatening. It was like watching a little kitten arch his back up and puff out his fur to look bigger. It was adorable.

"You can't scare me, you angry little pussycat." Mobius says almost mockingly, but with a hint of adoration. The God was adorable when he was angry.

"Don't you dare mock me, fiend." Loki says, standing up slowly and with purpose. "I'll be out of this place soon enough, and when I do, I'll tear this organization apart, brick by brick, and you'll all burn in the fire as I burn this place to the ground--"

Suddenly Loki was teleported back to his bed, heaving in a huge huff of air at the sudden change in position.

"You're cute when you get angry. You're like a little kitten when it gets all riled up." Mobius says, further instigating Loki's wrath.

"You are in no position to mock me, you grumbling bilgesnipe. I am a prince of Asgard, heir to the throne of Jotunheim! I am a God, you dull creature! And I will not be intimidated by a mere mortal who insists on mocking me and keeping me locked here!" Loki yells, getting to his feet once more.

"Calm down, Loki. I understand you're angry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Mobius says calmly.

"You could never understand..." Loki says dejectedly, sliding down a wall. "All my life, people have looked down on me. My father, my brother, everyone in Asgard except for my mother... she was the only person who accepted me, who saw me as I was, who trusted me. She was the only one who truly loved me. And I'm the reason she's gone..."

"It wasn't your fault. You never could have known what would happen. I know she would've forgiven you regardless. She loved you, she was your mother." Mobius says compassionately, slowly approaching the broken God like he was a injured feral alley cat.
"You can't keep beating yourself up over it, it's not healthy."

"What would you know about emotions? You're apparently no more than some artificial being created by those lizard people!" Loki snapped.

"I may have been created by them, But I still know how it feels to have guilt and regrets clawing away at you." Mobius says quietly kneeling down to be on Loki's level. He knew it was a stupid and dangerous move, but oddly all he wanted in that moment was to provide the poor god some comfort. Some semblance of peace.

"What could you possibly have to regret?" Loki grumbles, avoiding eye contact.

"I've had to prune other Lokis. And I regret it because now I see how broken you all are."

"I'm not broken, I just want out of here! I just want to see my brother. I just want to know he's alive..." Loki snapped, voice cracking up unintentionally. Loki drew his knees up to his chest, hiding his face in his hands. He didn't want to look so weak, but he couldn't take it anymore.

Mobius sighed and put a hand on Loki's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. To his surprise, Loki didn't try to push him away, instead he just sat there and allowed it.
"Why are you doing this?" Loki says quietly, looking up at him with tired, bloodshot eyes.

"Because I don't want to see you hurting anymore." Mobius says quietly, looking at Loki with sympathy and sorrow. "I may have been created by them, but I'm just like any other man. If I get stabbed, I bleed, I feel the pain. And when someone's hurting, I want to help them. I really do. It's just my boss doesn't always let me."

Loki sniffed silently and sighed. "She's going to make you kill me, isn't she?" Loki says quietly, accepting his fate. "It's okay. I've died before."

"No. I'm not going to kill you. Because I believe in you, Loki. Even when you don't believe in yourself. And you can be whoever, whatever you want to be. Even someone good. Just in case anyone ever told you any different."

"No man has ever been this kind to me..." Loki admits, remembering all the times he was mocked and/or taken advantage of by Asgardian men whose names he'd mostly long forgotten, except for Fendrall, of course. And Svéldïfæri. "I haven't had much luck in love, as you probably know."

"I know. Fendrall, Svéldïfæri, Sigyn, Angrboda. But see, none of them truly appreciated you." Mobius says, pushing a bit of messy hair out of Loki's face.

"I lost children as well." Loki says quietly, the words just falling from his mouth. "They died young. It's like I was cursed to lose any family I ever tried to have. Not to mention, my children were monsters..."

"They were beautiful and unique, just like their parent." Mobius says. "Just like you."

"Is this your way of trying to flirt with me?" Loki says quietly, confused.

"Depends, is it working?" Mobius says jokingly.

"You fascinate me, Agent Mobius." Loki says simply, lurching forward and slamming his lips against Mobius'. The stunned analyst let out a surprised noise before returning the kiss with added fervor, tangling his fingers in Loki's messy hair. Eventually the pair had to pull apart to breath, gasping for air as they sat there with their foreheads still pressed together.

"I like you, Mobius." Loki says, looking up at the analyst with a little mischievous smirk.

"I like you, too, mischievous scamp."

A/N: OMFG I'm dying this was so cute and emotional and angsty AHHH 😁😁😁

Lokius Oneshots By KieraWhere stories live. Discover now