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Zombie AU

A strange virus is accidentally brought into the TVA, turning the workers into mindless flesh-hungry monsters.

TW// blood, violence, graphic imagery, cursing, sickness, body horror, corpses.

B-15 walked into the conference room for today's briefing, wiping some sweat from her forehead. She'd been feeling a bit crappy since she woke up this morning with a bad cough and one hell of a fever.

"You okay, B?" Casey asks, noticing the state she was in.

"I'll be fine, Casey. Probably just a cold." She replied nonchalantly despite how miserable she actually felt.

The meeting went on smoothly for about thirty minutes, but then suddenly B-15 had another coughing fit and coughed up some blood mixed with a bit of black liquid.

"You're sick, Verity.  You should go to the infirmary." Loki says, a bit horrified.

"Yeah, good idea, genius." B-15 grumbled, her head was pounding and oddly enough she'd never wanted to tear apart some meat more in her life.

A few hours later, Casey was sitting in O.B's office when he started coughing a bit. Suddenly a wave of dizziness came over him and he nearly fell out of his chair.

"Are you okay?!" O.B exclaimed, catching his boyfriend before he fell to the ground.

"Yeah, I think so. I just need to lie down." Casey says. O.B helped him over to the full-size bed that Loki had been gracious enough to bring him for Christmas the previous year, getting Casey settled and tucked in before pecking a soft kiss on his forehead.

"I just gotta get a little more work done and then I'll join you, okay?" O.B says, and Casey gave a tired nod.

Meanwhile in the infirmary, the doctor was running some tests on B-15'S blood when the hunter began to wake up, she sat up on the bed with a groan, catching the doctor's attention.

"Don't try to move too much, B-15. Don't worry, you'll be feeling better in no time." The doctor says, rushing over to lay her back down. The hunter suddenly lurched forward and bit out a chunk of the doctor's neck. Blood spewed everywhere as the hunter tackled the doctor to the floor and began to devour her body.

A little while, an analyst named Katelyn walked into the infirmary with her girlfriend Hunter L-81 to get a cut on her forehead fixed up when they stumbled upon the grisly scene.

"B-15?" Hunter L-81 asked in shock. B-15 looked up at them with empty grey eyes, blood dripping from her mouth. She growled at the pair, chasing them to the elevator. B-15 caught the doors right before they could close, forcing them back open.

The elevator opened up on the chronomonitor floor, and a bloodied L-81 stumbled out, chunks bitten out of her arm.

"Somebody fucking help me!" She screamed, hysterical. Chaos broke out as the zombified B-15 charged onto the floor full of defenseless analysts and janitorial workers.

Mobius got an alert on his tempad from the chronomonitor floor, and so he got Loki and headed over to the elevators.

When the doors opened, the pair was shocked to see a bloody Katelyn lunge at them, teeth bared as she tried to rip at their flesh. Loki stepped between her and Mobius, using magic to incapacitate her.

"What happened to her?!" Mobius exclaims in shock.

"It's a virus." Loki says. "There was an outbreak like this on Vanaheim once, nasty stuff."

"How do we stop it?" Mobius asks.

"We need to find the person who was infected here first." Loki says.

"B-15. She was sick during the briefing this morning." Mobius says.

"Casey was sitting next to her." Loki says.

"So were you." Mobius realizes, staring in horror at the god's nose. Loki wiped under his nose, finding a bit of blood and black liquid on his fingers. "Oh no..."

"I'll be fine, it clearly takes hold quicker in human beings." Loki says, trying his best to stay calm and keep Mobius from panicking.

"You're still infected though! Your nose is bleeding and there's black shit coming out of it!" Mobius says, panicking despite anything Loki was trying to say.

"Look, let's just focus on finding B-15 for right now." Loki says.

"Okay, let's go..." Mobius sighs.

Down in O.B's workshop/apartment, Casey slowly started to wake. He looked at O.B next to him, all curled up in his arms. The writer woke up due to Casey's movement.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" O.B asks, placing a hand on Casey's face. "God, you're cold. Hang on, let me get you another blanket."

With that, O.B left, but he was stopped before he could go back to Casey by Loki and Mobius.

"Don't go near him, O.B" Loki warns.

"Why? He's just sick." O.B asks, confused.

"Not just sick." Mobius says, showing O.B the security footage from the chronomonitor floor on his tempad. Poor O.B nearly gagged at the sight of L-81 covered in blood and B-15 going on her rampage.

"I've heard of this." O.B says. "Fungal spores, they infect a person and make quick work of taking over their brain, turning them into mindless killing machines."

"I fought off a outbreak on Vanaheim once." Loki says. "We need to capture B-15. She's the current patient zero, her blood may hold the key to a cure."

"Okay...but what about Casey?" O.B asks.

"We'll contain him here for now." Loki says, and with a small wave of his hand some restraints appeared around Casey's wrists to keep him in place.

The group went up to the Chronomonitor floor, slowly stepping out of the elevator. There was blood and chunks of flesh everywhere, and at the center of all the carnage was B-15, knelt over a corpse as she tore it apart and ate it.

"B-15." Loki says softly. "We're your friends, we just want to help you."

B-15 launched forward, and Loki used his magic to incapacitate her. They took her down to O.B's office, and after two grueling days of work, they finally made a cure. They cured B-15 and Casey first, and then went around finding any workers that were infected. It took a lot of work, but in the end the TVA was restored to order.

Loki flopped down on the couch with a sigh, exhausted. The cure had the unfortunate side effects of tiredness and muscle aches, and Loki was feeling all of it.

"Here's your tea." Mobius says, handing Loki a mug of chamomile tea with honey, Loki's favorite when he wasn't feeling good.

"Thank you, love." Loki says softly, taking the mug with a smile. Mobius sat beside Loki, and the god snuggled into his side, sipping on his tea.

"Anything for you, sweetheart." Mobius says softly, playing with Loki's hair. Loki thanks the gods everyday that he was given this wonderful life, with this wonderful man.

He wouldn't trade this for anything...

Lokius Oneshots By KieraWhere stories live. Discover now