The Choice, Pt.3

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A very special part 3


(featuring Aunt Sylvie and Uncle Thor ❤️)

Loki woke to the bright, sunny Ohio summer mornings he'd grown to love, the sunlight filtering through the soft blue curtains. Loki couldn't help but stare at the beautiful man beside him, his hair all messy from sleep, the stubble on his face.

The quiet moment was ended by a loud thud and a yelp from the other room. Mobius woke with a start, he and Loki rushing to the source of that noise. They entered Kevin and Sean's bedroom, finding Ellie on the floor. Kevin was up on the top of the bunk bed he and Sean shared, his brother right next to him.

"What did you do, Kevin?" Mobius asks, god Kevin could be such a pain in the ass.

"She broke the rules, there's no girls allowed up here!" Kevin replied.

"You took my stuffy!" Ellie shot back, furious. Loki sighed and picked her four year old daughter up off the floor, holding her on his hip.

"Kevin, give it back." Loki says softly, holding his hand out and giving Kevin a very stern look. The boy sighed exasperatedly, handing back the Olaf plushie. Ellie immediately clung onto the toy, god she loved that ridiculous stuffed snowman. Loki carried the girl back to her room, setting her in her bed.

"Are you hurt too bad, darling?" Loki asks, and the girl shook her head.

"Of course not. You're a tough little thing." Mobius said, taking a seat on the edge of her bed. "I think you get it from mommy."

"Are we still gonna go visit uncle Thor this Saturday?" Ellie asked, looking up at her mom with those big green eyes.

"Of course we are. You know mommy ever misses a chance to see uncle Thor." Loki says, pressing a kiss to Ellie's forehead. "Tell you what, how about you take a little nap and then we can watch a movie later. How's that sound, angel?"

"Can we watch Lightning McQueen?" She asks sleepily.

"Of course, sweet girl." Loki says softly, tucking her into bed. "Sweet dreams, love."


Late that afternoon, Loki was sat on the couch with Ellie curled up in his lap thoroughly enjoying the animated movie about sentient talking automobiles. About that time, Mobius returned home from work, hanging his vest up on the coat rack before joining two of his favorite people on the couch.

"I hope the boys didn't give you too much trouble today." Mobius says.

"Eh, only Kevin." Loki says with a sigh. "I mean, Sean has adjusted really well to everything. In fact, he's been amazing. But Kevin..."

"He just needs time to warm up to you, is all. To him, it's only been a few years since his mother died." Mobius says.

"I get it. I'm not angry with him, I can be a little difficult to get him to listen to me sometimes." Loki says with a sigh.

"He'll come around." Mobius says softly, pressing a kiss to Loki's cheek.

"I'm just wondering how he's going to react to the idea of having two sisters." Loki says softly.

"What?" Mobius says softly. "Are we?--"

"We are." Loki says softly, tears pricking her eyes. Mobius leaned in and pressed a kiss to Loki's lips, his hand resting on her abdomen, right above the sacred space that contained their child.

"Ka-chow!" Ellie suddenly exclaimed, still engrossed in the movie, causing Loki and Mobius to break out in laughter.


That Saturday, Ellie was practically vibrating with excitement. She loved going to New Asgard to visit Uncle Thor, Valkyrie and Carol. But today was going to be an extra special surprise for her, because Aunt Sylvie would be there as well.

Loki watched fondly as the four year old raced up to greet her uncle, the God of Thunder eagerly picking the tiny girl up in his arms.

"Uncle Thor!" Ellie exclaimed happily, giggling.

"Hey, Ellie. You've nearly grown into that head of yours." Thor teased, and the girl simply smacked his chest with her Olaf plushie. Kevin and Sean were here as well, and while Sean enjoyed visiting New Asgard, Kevin was none too pleased with the whole thing.

The day was spent walking around the city and visiting with Val and Carol, and of course Ellie spent some time playing warrior with Sylvie in the meadow with wooden swords.

As the family sat down at the dinner table, Loki felt the first waves of nausea begin to set in. Oh, great timing, Loki thought as he took a deep breath to suppress the nausea.

"You okay?" Sylvie asks, pouring herself a glass of wine.

"I'm alright." Loki says simply.

"You want a glass, brother?" Thor asks, holding a bottle of Asgardian brew in his hand.

"I shouldn't." Loki says.

"Yeah, you're, uh, not supposed to drink when you're pregnant." Mobius says, putting an arm around Loki's shoulder as the god immediately went red with shocked embarrassment.

"What?!" Sylvie exclaimed in surprise.

"Ugh, please not another sister." Kevin grumbled under his breath, and Thor couldn't help but laugh.

"Congratulations, brother!" Thor says, a big smile on his face. "Seeing how far you've come from where you were just a few years ago, mother would be proud."

"Yes, she would." Loki says softly, intertwining his fingers with Mobius'.


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