All is Found

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Soundtrack: "All is Found" by Evan Rachel Wood


At the TVA, Loki was in the cafeteria with Mobius on their lunch break. They had been talking about random things from Loki's childhood, and some of Mobius' favorite funny memories from his time at the TVA. But there was one question that had been swirling around Loki's mind recently.

"At what point does the TVA start recording a person's life?" Loki asked.

"At birth, actually. The tapes go from the start of a variant's life to the end of it." Mobius answered. "Why, is there something you were curious about?"

"I have no memories of my birth mother. I don't even know her name. I guess I would like to know more about where I came from." Loki replies, bouncing his knee nervously under the table.

"Well, I can tell right now, her name was Fairbouti, she was the wife of King Laufey of Jotunheim. She was a kind Queen, and she was killed in the final battle between Jotunheim and Asgard.

"Fairbouti." Loki whispered, looking down at the table. "Meaning fair beauty."

"Would you like to see her?" Mobius asked, and Loki looked up at him in surprise, nodding silently.

Mobius led him to the time theater, starting up the projector. An image of a beautiful woman with flowing black hair and glowing blue skin and lovely red eyes appeared. She was wearing a fur pelt, and had a gemstone on a necklace around her swan-like neck. She locked eyes with a familiar young prince, Laufey.

The tape fast-forwarded a bit, Fairbouti stood in the palace, she was now Queen, and her beloved husband Laufey was King. They stood at the window looking out at the kingdom, Fairbouti's hands resting over the soft swell of her belly.

Another fast-forward, and now in a palace upon the highest peak of Jotunheim, Queen Fairbouti held her newborn son in her arms, doing her best to forget the horrible war that ravaged outside. The Asgardians were cruel and savage, tearing her people apart. She hoped her son would be able to live a life apart from the senseless violence of Asgard's so-called "civility", that he would fulfill his destiny as the next king of Jotunheim.

Just then, a guard came into the room, clothes spattered in blood. "My lady, we have to leave. There are too many of them, the kingdom is lost."

"What of Laufey?" She asked, panic seizing her. "What of my husband?!"

"I do not know. His last command to me was to get you and the child out of here." The guard replied. "Come now, we must make for the temple. The portal will take us out of here."

The guard led Fairbouti out to temple, slipping past the battlefield. As they entered the ancient temple, the baby in Fairbouti's arms began to fuss and cry.

"No, no, no. Don't cry, my darling. It's okay, they will never hurt you." Fairbouti whispered. "Sleep my darling, safe and sound."

Before the guard could activate the portal, a bolt of energy from Odin's staff shattered the icy mirrorlike device, leaving it just broken chunks of ice on the ground.

"No!" Fairbouti screamed as the guard was killed. She ran up to the highest point of the temple, hiding beneath an altar.

"I wish I had been able to have more time with you, my son. But I promise, we will see each other again one day. When you pass on to the afterlife, your father and I will be there waiting for you with arms open wide, my son." She sobbed, pressing a kiss to her precious baby boy's head.

Suddenly, Odin entered the room, ready to slaughter what he saw as a savage animal. He drew his blade, swinging at her. The sword punctured through her abdomen, crimson blood staining her white gown.

It was then that Odin saw that she was holding a baby.

"My baby...don't hurt my baby..." She begged weakly, tears pouring from her eyes. Odin took pity on her, kneeling down and gently taking the baby from her arms.

"I would never harm a infant, my lady. He will be safe, I assure you." Odin said.

"Loki." She whispered. "His name is Loki."

As the tape ended, Loki felt the tears on his face. Mobius placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him some comfort.

"Odin always said they monsters." Loki whispered.

"He was wrong. She was a angel. And so are you." Mobius says softly. "I see now where you got your beautiful heart from, along with that hair."

Loki chuckled, resting his head on Mobius' shoulder. "I love you, Mobius."

"I love you too, mischievous scamp."


Lokius Oneshots By KieraWhere stories live. Discover now