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Loki didn't know what was happening. He was desperately trying to piece together the madness of the last few hours into something that made sense. He made himself take some deep, albeit shaky breaths as he did his best to calm himself down and make sense of the situation.

Before he had another moment to breathe, it happened again. His body contorted and stretched as he was pulled through time once more. He found himself still in the war room, but now there were people here.

"Loki?!" A familiar and very welcome voice said in shock.

"Mobius!" Loki said, barely able to hold back the tears in his eyes. "You know me."

Loki sprung to his feet and rushed over to Mobius. Without a second thought, he engulfed the analyst in a hug, clinging to him like a lifeline.

"Whoa, whoa, what happened? What happened, Loki?" Mobius says softly, his grip on Loki firm yet gentle.

"We found the man who was running the TVA. We found him, but Sylvie, she..." Loki gasped out, struggling for breath. "I just needed time to think. That's all I needed, just...just..."

"Shh, it's okay. It's alright, you're here now. We can fix this, just... deep breaths, okay?" Mobius says, glaring at X-5 and Dox who stared at them disapprovingly.

"Come on, let's take a walk." Mobius says, leading Loki out of the room.

"Where are we going?" Loki asks.

"We need to get you looked at. I don't know what that was. We need to find out why you keep disappearing."

-time skip because I'm coming down with something and I can't write all that-

It had been some time since all that chaos with the multiverse and Kang. Loki and Mobius were living together in a lake house in Oklahoma, Mobius' home state. Sylvie and Ravonna were a long forgotten memory, Victor Timely was content working in the lab with Reed and Banner, Casey and OB are living together in New York, and B-15 was back to being a nurse in California. Everyone was happy, and everything was perfect.

Except for one thing.

Loki never got to finish what he was saying, back there in the loom room, right before he time slipped. Gods, he wished so many times since then he'd had the guts to say it.  But everytime he tried, he chickened out and said some random thing. But tonight, he's done with being scared.

Loki and Mobius were on the couch watching a movie called Meet the Parents, one of Mobius' favorite movies. Loki was wearing his favorite seafoam green hoodie and soft jeans, Mobius was in simple button down and dress pants.

Gods, it made Loki's mouth water.

"Mobius?" Loki says softly.


"Remember when we were in the loom room, and I was holding the prune stick?" Loki asks.

"Yeah, I remember that."

"Remember how I started to say, if I don't make it back?"

"I remember that." Mobius says. He hated thinking about that day. He was fucking terrified standing there in that room. And not because of the thought of having his skin peeled off. No, he was scared of the thought of losing Loki. He couldn't bear the thought of a life without him.

"I never got to finish what I was saying." Loki says. "I was about to, but I time slipped. And I kick myself everytime I change the subject when I'm about to say it again."

"Well, what were you gonna say?" Mobius asks, not daring to get his hopes up.

"I was going to say I love you." Loki finally said, his voice trembling with the sheer amount of emotion in his words. "I was going to say, if I don't make it back, I want you to know that I love you more than I have ever loved anyone. I've spent my whole life searching for someone who would love me as I truly was, searching for something real. And turns out, all I had to do to find it was steal an infinity stone."

Mobius chuckled softly, tucking a bit of Loki's long raven hair behind his ear. "I love you too, Loki." Mobius whispered softly, looking at Loki like he was the most precious thing in the multiverse. "I spent an eternity in that place, searching for some meaning, searching for a purpose beyond just doing my job, and then I found you. I like to think that we were always destined to find each other, like maybe we were secretly part of He Who Remains' plan all along."

"I like to think that too." Loki whispered, snuggling up closer to Mobius. The god slowly leaned in, pressing their lips up against Mobius' Mobius ran his fingers through Loki's hair, every touch the perfect balance of gentle and firm.

Needless to say they weren't able to focus on the rest of the movie...

Lokius Oneshots By KieraWhere stories live. Discover now