I'm Here

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Post s2

Description: After Loki is freed from yggdrasil by a device that can hold all the timelines together in his place, he goes to find Mobius. The analyst has apparently retired from the TVA and is living on a branch timeline, all alone. Can Loki reach him before it's too late?


Loki had never felt so exhausted, but he had something important to do.

"Where's Mobius?" Loki asks, looking at O.B, Casey, and B-15 expectantly.

"He retired." B-15 says, and Loki looked at her in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Loki replies, a bit worried.

"He's living on a branched timeline, he said couldn't bear to stay at the TVA without you here." B-15 says.

"Where is he? What branch is he on?" Loki says, grabbing a tempad from the desk. B-15 snatched it from him, pulling up the branch address and opening a time door for Loki.

"Just be prepared, Loki. He may not be the person you remember." B-15 says softly.

"Thank you." Loki says fondly, giving the three TVA workers a thankful grin. "All of you."

Loki walked through the time door, seeing Mobius sat in a park beneath the trees, looking out at the water with a utterly defeated look on his beautiful face. His hair had gotten a bit longer, stubble much more prominent and noticable on his face, and his beautiful blue eyes were achingly tired and empty, devoid of that beautiful light and warmth they once held.

"Mobius." Loki says, his voice cracking. Mobius looked over at him, thinking his imagination was playing tricks on him like the tricks his beloved God of Mischief used to play. "Mobius, it's me." Loki says softly, standing in front of his Mobius and touching his face, his stubble scraping against the burn scars on his hands and fingers from holding the timelines.

"I know. I know you." Mobius says softly, looking away. "But you're not really here, are you?"

With that, Mobius slapped Loki. The god gasped at the unexpected impact, clutching his cheek.

"Loki?!" Mobius gasped in disbelief. "Oh, god. I'm sorry, I--"

Loki cut him off with a kiss, holding onto him like they might be separated again at any moment. Mobius' eyes fluttered shut immediately as he returned the kiss and tangled his fingers into Loki's now also longer hair, god he loved these beautiful wavy raven locks. He sincerely hopes that Loki never cuts it all off, only a trim every now and then to keep at a reasonable length.

Even when they parted for air, Mobius was still clinging to Loki like he might disappear any moment. He looked up into Loki's eyes, his gaze filled with longing and uncertainty.

"How long?" Mobius says, and the words broke Loki's heart. "How long do I have with you?"


"How long till I say have to say goodbye again, Loki?" Mobius asks, his voice cracking. "How long till you leave and I'm all alone?"

"Mobius." Loki says, his tone level and certain. "I'm not going anywhere. I will never leave you again, my love."

"You promise?" Mobius whispers.

"I promise, my darling." Loki whispers back, pulling Mobius into a hug. He used his magic to transport them to the small apartment Mobius was staying in, getting his precious analyst settled into the bed.

"Wait." Mobius says tiredly, holding onto Loki's hand.

"I'm just getting the light, love." Loki whispers softly. Comfortingly. Reassuringly.

Loki went and turned the light off before putting on a movie called Kong: Skull Island, he had heard Mobius mention it once before, something about a Captain Conrad character he liked.

Loki returned to the bed, phasing them both into sleep clothes before pulling Mobius into his arms. His old man was clearly exhausted, he was already half asleep in Loki's embrace already.

"Sleep well, my love. I will be here when you wake, I promise you." Loki whispers softly, pressing a kiss to Mobius' head. "I'm so glad I fell in love with you."

"I fell first." Mobius whispers.

"I fell harder."


Lokius Oneshots By KieraWhere stories live. Discover now