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Soundtrack: "Dope" by Fifth Harmony

Loki sat in the library, staring at the files in utter boredom. Gods, he hated this. All he wanted was to go back to his apartment and crawl into his bed and sleep for hours. In fact, Loki was so tired and bored out of his mind, he didn't even realize he had already fallen asleep.

He was awoken by Mobius lightly poking his arm with the file in his hand.

"Come on, sleepyhead. Wake up." Mobius says playfully. Loki groaned and rolled his eyes, sitting back up and going back to the files. But Loki was still way too tired at this point to continue, and so soon enough he started falling asleep again.

"Ugh, do we have to do this right now, Mobius? I can barely stay awake." Loki says quietly, his head resting against his hand as he stared at the file mindlessly. "If you're going to force me to work such ridiculous hours, I'm going to get some coffee."

"Alright, I'm tired too. Let's just be done for the night, how about that?" Mobius says, setting the file he'd been reading down.

"Not to say I want to continue working, but wouldn't coffee fix that?" Loki says confused.

"It would, but honestly I'm too tired to deal with a caffeinated Loki right now." Mobius says playfully, getting up from his seat and walking with Loki. "Come on, you can stay in my apartment tonight. It's closer."

The thought of being alone with Mobius in his apartment made Loki feel this weird flutter in his chest. And he can't help but wonder...

Does he know?


When they arrived at Mobius' apartment, the analyst suddenly felt awkward and flustered. Well, who could blame him? The variant that he had been crushing on for years was here in his apartment, and there was only one bed. I mean, sure, Mobius had a couch, but he knew from a rather unfortunate experience that the piece of trash was in no way suited for someone to sleep on.

"I'll take the couch." Loki says, heading for the ratty brown couch.

"The last time I slept on that death trap, I could barely move the next day, Lokes. You can stay in my bed, it's fine." Mobius says, trying to literally save Loki's neck.

"I may be older than you, but my bones age a lot slower." Loki says playfully. In all honesty, he wasn't sure he would be any better off sleeping in Mobius' bed.

"Alright, I'll let you get away with that just this once." Mobius says with a small chuckle. "If you want to risk the horrible couch, be my guest, but don't say I didn't warn you."

Loki rolled his eyes, settling onto the couch. It actually wasn't that bad, Loki realized. It was much more comfortable than the piece of metal with fabric stretched over it that they called a cot back in his cell. Soon enough, Loki drifted off to sleep, unconsciously holding one of Mobius' throw pillows to his chest.


The next day, Loki was woken by the smell of eggs, bacon, and coffee.

"Morning, Lokes." Mobius says, bringing two plates over to the coffee table. He went back to the kitchen and got their mugs of coffee, setting them on the coffee table as well. "Sleep well?"

"Yes. I actually prefer this couch over that torture device in my cell." Loki says playfully, taking a sip of his coffee. "Do we have more work today?"

"Loki, you know we don't exactly get days off at the TVA. Hell, I don't even have any health insurance." Mobius joked.
Loki chuckled, good grief did he have it bad for Mobius.

Lokius Oneshots By KieraWhere stories live. Discover now