Happily Ever After

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Soulmate AU

Description: Hela, Thor, Loki, and Sylvie were supposed to go to looking for their soulmates, but an apparent 'malfunction' in the bifrost sends them to Midgard, where they each meet an exceptional Midgardian. Was it all a cosmic mistake? Or was it simply...fate?

(A/N: This also includes ThorBruce, SylVerity, and HelaxWanda 😃)

Oh, BTW, physical contact with the soulmate causes a physical response in the body (shivers up the spine, butterflies in the stomach, blushing, stammering), figured that might help ☺️

Loki was not exactly happy with the whole idea of going out to find his soulmate. Sure, Hela, Thor, and Sylvie are having to do it too, but Loki just really didn't see the point. He's going to meet them someday anyways, isn't he?

"Do I really have to do this?" Loki asked Heimdall, who just simply rolled his amber eyes and slotted the sword into place. The bifrost swept the three children of Odin away, and the heirs soon landed in three very strange places.

Loki looked around, he was stood in a parking lot. Their was some sort of a big, inflatable thing waving around, and some sort of strange machines parked outside the odd looking building, and inside the building stood a man with white hair and a mustache, wearing khakis and a blue vest. Loki phased into an all-black suit before walking into the building, oddly intrigued by the man.

"Hey, how can I help you?" The man asked, and Loki's heart fluttered at the sound of his voice. Norns, was he blushing? This isn't good. Shit...

"Um, I'm...I'm Loki, Loki Odinson." The prince says, extending his hand to the man. The midgardian took Loki's hand, giving it a firm shake. Loki felt a jolt of electricity run up his spine at the contact.

Oh, shit...

"I'm Don Mobius, Chief Sales officer here at Piranha PowerSports. Are you interested in a Jet Ski?" Don says, and Loki had to look away just to form words. "We've got a few on sale right now, half off."

Loki just kind of looked at him for a moment, there was something incredibly hypnotizing about his bright blue eyes, it was like they saw right through his soul, into parts of him he'd hidden for years.

"I can get you a drink if you want. What'll you have?" Don says softly, and Loki was still speechless. His stomach was full of butterflies, his mind was racing. How could the Norns have allowed this? It was ridiculous and cruel, having Loki's soulmate be a mere mortal. Loki will still be here in a few thousand years, and in just a few decades his soulmate will be gone. But isn't that just tragically beautiful? Isn't soul crushing, heart shattering grief just love persevering?

"Hey, Don, your son's on line three." A voice said from across the room, and Loki's heart sank. He has a son? That probably means he has a wife, he's not your soulmate fool. Give up.

"Sorry, single dad. Just give me a second." Don said, and Loki's hope was restored. This could work, Don Mobius the Jet Ski salesman really could be his soulmate. Suddenly, Loki didn't care if Don Mobius wouldn't be around for the rest of his life, because he was going to make every second count.

Loki would end up following Don home, watching from afar as he picked up his son's toys from the front yard.

"I do not work as hard as I do just to come home and have it look like some lunatic garage sale." Don said, his arm full of some random toys. "Why is he burnt?" He said, pointing down at an action figure on the ground. "Where did you get the matches, Kevin?"

"I stole them." Kevin replied, and Loki could barely contain his shocked chuckle.

"Give them here." Don says, and the boy looked ready to run off. "Don't run. Kevin. Kevin!" Sure enough, the boy took off with the matches. "Shawn, go get your brother. If you keep him from burning the house down, I'll buy you a puppy."

Lokius Oneshots By KieraWhere stories live. Discover now