Legendary Lovers

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Song: "Legendary Lovers" by Katy Perry

🔞Omegaverse Smut🔞

Loki sat on his couch, staring at the ceiling mindlessly as he tried his best to ignore the deep ache in his abdomen.

He hated this. The curse of his Jotun anatomy. He hated going into heat. The very notion just felt so ridiculous to him. Now that he knew the truth of it, he felt so ashamed.
So much so, he preferred lock himself away in his apartment and suffer through it rather than get any kind of help.

The only other person he knew that was like him was Sylvie, but unlike him she was an Alpha female, and she didn't have to suffer through the bullshit that little Omega Loki was currently going through. Loki couldn't even be around Sylvie right now, he knew their instincts would make them do something they'd regret, and so Loki stays in his room, his AC cranked up and his window wide open in the middle of winter with lots of fans going, and that didn't even cut it, unfortunately.

Three more days, Loki kept reminding himself. Three more days of hell, and then it would all be over.

As Loki lay on his couch, he hears a soft knock on his door. He groans softly, hoping whoever it was would leave before their stupid pheromones permeated the entire room.

"Loki, it's me. Are you alright? You've been cooped up in this room for almost all week. The others are pretty worried." Mobius' silky voice says in concern through the door, making Loki groan again, this time in pure desperation.

"Go away. Please." Loki says quietly, whining softly as he writhes about in his sweat soaked bed.

"I'm not going away, Loki, so open this damn door now." Mobius says impatiently. "I'm worried about you, okay? I just want to help."

"Oh, he'll be alright." Sylvie says with a chuckle as she walks past on the way to her own room.

"How do you know?" Mobius asks her.

"It's that time, he just needs a good shag and he'll be fine." She says, crunching on a Dorito. "Go get him, tiger."

Mobius rolled his eyes and grabbed his spare key to Loki's apartment, opening the door slowly. A blast of freezing cold air hit him, making him shiver.

"Jesus, Loki! It's freezing in here!" Mobius exclaimed, his eyes falling on the sight of Loki in only his underwear, phased into his Jotun form, his forehead drenched in sweat and his red eyes wet with tears.

"No, please, don't look at me. Just go away, please." Loki says, trying to hide his face from Mobius, who walked over and gently took Loki's freezing hands in his.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of, Loki." Mobius says softly. "You're beautiful."

"Really?" Loki says in disbelief. "No one's ever said that to me." Loki says sadly, looking at Mobius with teary eyes. "I need you, Mobius. Please, take the pain away. Make it stop hurting, make this hell end."

"Shh, it's okay. I've got you." Mobius says, placing a hand on Loki's cheek, running his fingers over the ridges and runes on his soft blue skin. "I'm gonna take care of you, Loki."

Mobius walked over to the bed, laying down on the soft memory foam mattress. He gently crawled in beside him, pulling the covers over them and pressing a soft kiss to Loki's lips.

Something in Loki's mind suddenly switched on, some purely animalistic instinct that had been long buried in his brain. He pushed Mobius onto his back, crawling atop him and tugging at his trousers. Mobius chuckled softly, undoing his belt and kicking his trousers off into the floor. Loki ripped off Mobius' dress shirt, the buttons flying off across the room as he desperately made out with Mobius. Finally they got their bottoms off and Loki wasted no time sinking himself onto Mobius' cock, feeling the beautiful mixture of stinging pain and blissful relief.

"Mobius!" Loki cried out, tears of relief bursting to his eyes. "Oh, Gods."

"Shh, Loki. I've got you." Mobius says, gently rocking up into Loki as the god moaned softly atop him. Mobius carefully shifted them so that Loki was on his back below him and Mobius was above him, then Mobius started thrusting into him at a gentle, easy pace. Loki moaned softly, clasping onto Mobius' shoulders and arching his back off the bed as his eyes squeezed shut.

"It feels so good." Loki whimpered, barely able to speak. He could only pant and moan, whimpering and mewling softly as he writhed in ecstasy.

"You're so perfect, Loki." Mobius says softly, panting as he tried his best to control the urge to just jackknife into Loki until he screamed. "Like a sexy blueberry popsicle."

Loki chuckled, his fingers going into Mobius' hair as he looked up at him with immeasurable lust and adoration.

"Fuck me." Loki says lustfully, his mind short circuiting from the sheer ecstasy. "I'm not delicate, Mobius. Give it to me, hard as you can. I want it rough. Please." Loki panted, squirming around desperate for more of him, more of his Mobius.

Mobius pulled out halfway, then rammed back into Loki, making the god cry out in ecstasy. Mobius kept up at that brutal pace, letting himself lose control and fuck Loki unconscious.

"M-Moby." Loki moaned out, stirring something inside Mobius' mind.

"That's right, baby. Let me hear you." Mobius says breathlessly, biting softly at Loki's ear lobe as the god moaned wildly.

"I'm gonna c-cum, Moby." Loki says breathlessly, looking up at Mobius with tear-filled eyes.

"Cum for me, Loki." Mobius panted, and Loki arched his back, his nails digging into Mobius' shoulders as he cried out in ecstasy, finally finding his release from the hellish pain in his belly.

Loki awoke a few hours later with his head on Mobius' chest. He looked up to see Mobius reading a Jet Ski magazine Loki had stashed away in his nightstand.

"Mobius?" Loki says quietly.

"Hey, there you are. I thought you were in a coma for a moment there." Mobius says playfully, his fingers playing with Loki's hair. "Feeling better?"

"Yes. Thank you." Loki says with a small sigh. "Did you mean it? What you said?"

"That you're beautiful?" Mobius asks, and Loki nods silently. "Loki, of course I meant that. You're perfect no matter what form you take."

"It's just... I've never had anyone say that and...and mean it." Loki says sadly, looking away from Mobius.

"Well I meant it." Mobius says softly, kissing Loki's forehead. "You know what else I mean?"

"No." Loki says quietly, looking back up at him.

"I love you, Loki." Mobius says warmly. "You're the king of my heart. You always have been, and you always will be."

"Oh, Mobius." Loki sobbed, his eyes fluttering closed from the hurricane of emotions.
"I love you, too. For all time, always."


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