This Love

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Soundtrack: "This Love" by Taylor Swift


Loki stood on the hill, Sylvie and Mobius by his side.

"What are you going to do once you get to the TVA?" Loki asks.

"Burn it to the ground." Mobius responded, making the god chuckle fondly remembering when he himself had said those words not too long ago. "See you soon, Loki." Mobius says, extending his hand to Loki. The god shook his head with a smile before pulling the analyst into a hug, he never wanted to let go.

But he had to. He had to let go.

"Thank you, my friend."


That was when Loki woke up, tears streaming down his face.

He was in a little cave on Askavaria. He wishes Mobius could be here to see this view. It was a beautiful place, despite the rather strange appearance of it's people.

As Loki walked towards the opening of the cave, he sensed someone approaching. He quickly conjured his dagger, lunging towards whoever was intruding on his new home.

He came face-to-face with her. Sylvie Laufeydottir, the worst version of himself. Yet also, the best one. He wouldn't deny he had cared for her, but at the same time it made him sick. She had betrayed him, she had thrown him to the wolves for silly, foolish, idiotic revenge.

"What are you doing here?" Loki snarled, his dagger to her throat as she held a machete to his.

"I was looking for you." She says softly, looking up at him with a look of pity. It was then that Loki realized, there were still tears on his face from his guilt-ridden dream earlier. Sylvie lowered her machete, making it disappear in a flash of green. "I was a fool, doing what I did. I want to make this right, Loki. I don't want to be my own worst enemy."

"Make things right?" Loki says bitterly, glaring at her. "You lied to me, you lured me in with a false sense of security, you made me think you felt the same way about me--"

"Loki, I--"

"YOU MADE ME LOVE YOU!" Loki screamed, furious. Sylvie couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She had fucked up in the worst way, she really had.

"If you want me to leave, I'll leave. You never have to see me again. But if you let me leave, just know that you will end up here alone for the rest of your life." Sylvie says softly. "I came to tell you that I know how you can get your Mobius back."

Lokis eyes lit up at her words. His Mobius had been ripped from him what felt like ages ago, brutally murdered by a Kang variant named Victor Timely. Loki shuddered remembering how they practically flung themself at Mobius, how she begged the mortal to stay awake, to stay with them. But his injuries were too severe, he died before Loki could try to heal him.

"It's not possible." Loki says softly, dropping his dagger as his hands shook. "Here you go, giving me false hope again."

"It's not false hope, idiot." Sylvie snaps. "I was in Peter 2's universe, we were visiting with Harry, Norman, and Otto. We stopped at a coffee shop, and then guess who walks in?"

"Really?" Loki says in disbelief.

"Mobius." Sylvie says.

Loki collapsed to the ground. He was alive? How did he?-- Why would he?-- It didn't matter, Loki decided, as he sprung back to his feet and grabbed the old tempad he'd kept from the TVA.

"Where is he?" Loki says, handing Sylvie the device. She typed in the temporal address, and a time door opened.

As they walked through, they found themselves outside that same Staten Island coffee shop by the sea. There was a marina with many speedboats and fishing boats docked. And one lone jet-ski.

And there he was. Sat at a table drinking some coffee and having a salad while reading a jet-ski magazine.

Loki could've burst into tears. He hadn't felt such happiness in a long, long time.

"What are you standing there for? Go talk to him, dumbass." Sylvie says impatiently. "Go talk to him already before I stab you."

Loki heeded her warning, walking up to the table. He quickly dried his face, using his magic to hide the redness around his eyes from crying.

"Mobius?" Loki asks hesitantly, worried that maybe Kang had stolen his memories. The former analyst looked up at him with some unreadable emotion, but didn't speak. He seemed either confused or in shock, maybe both. "Say something. Anything, please." Loki begged, slowly losing his hold on his emotions.

After a few more seconds of silence, Loki couldn't take it anymore. It was too good to be true...

As Loki tucked tail and ran away, he heard a familiar voice call out to him.

"Wait, please, don't leave me. Not again." Mobius called out to him. Loki froze in his tracks. "Loki, please come back. Please."

Loki turned around and looked at him. Mobius stood up and walked over to him, Loki was scared. Scared of losing him, scared of being alone.

Scared of himself.

Mobius took Loki's face in his hands, looking at him like he had just been reunited with a long-dead loved one.

"Oh, you mischievous scamp, you." Mobius says, holding onto Loki like he might disappear. "I missed you."

"Oh, Mobius..." Loki whispered. "I missed you more."

With that, Loki wrapped his arms around Mobius' neck, leaning down and capturing his lips in a kiss that he'd been waiting far, far too long for.

Sylvie long forgotten, Loki teleported them to Mobius' apartment. The two collapsed onto his bed, tugging at each other's clothes.

"I love you." Loki whispers against Mobius' lips, their tears mixed with Mobius'. "I love you, Mobius."

"I love you, too." Mobius says softly, looking at his Loki fondly. "This love came back to me."


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