It's Real

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AU where Mobius is taken by Sylvie instead of Hunter C-20 (BTW C-20 is frickin adorable, even tho she barely had any screen time 😩😻)


Loki was desperate. His only friend, the only person he truly trusted in this godforsaken place, was MIA, taken by this blasted variant.

So now, Loki was looking though the variant's file for any indication of what their next move may be, when he found a file on the destruction of Asgard. He felt the tears in his eyes as he silently mourned for his childhood home and the people who lost their lives upon it. But then he noticed something, no variance energy detected.

What if-- Holy shit, that's it! You're a genius, Loki!

Loki looked through the files for what felt like hours, and discovered a Category Eight hurricane that hit Alabama, right over the location of a RoxxCart. Supplies, shelter, food. It was the perfect place for a variant to hide. And once he got the hunters and Ravonna on board with this little plan, they set off.

It was absolutely horrid weather when they arrived, windy, cold, and wet. As they entered the building, Loki used his magic to dry himself off.

"The hell was that?" B-15 exclaimed.

"That was me, using magic to dry my clothes." Loki explained. "So I don't announce myself with every squeaky footstep like the rest of you." He added with annoyance.

They split into groups, searching for Mobius and the variant. Loki encountered them using enchantment to control another person's body. That person quickly transferred the variant's consciousness into B-15, and the first guy fell to the floor.

"Is he dead?" Loki asked, worried.

"No. They usually survive." The variant said menacingly in B-15's body.

"Enchantment. Wonderful." Loki said sarcastically. "What have you done with Mobius?"

"Why would you care?" They asked with a scoff. "Oh, I see..."

"What? What do you think you're seeing?" Loki replied, slightly offended.

"You're in love." The variant answered in disgust. "Can't believe you would ever fall for one of them."

"What do you mean, one of them?" Loki says, offended.

"A fascist time cop. One of the monsters that took away everything I ever cared about." The variant sneered, teeth bared.

"He's not like them. He's good, and kind. He'd never hurt anyone. Unlike everyone else in the TVA, he has a heart. A soul. He feels real to me." Loki says softly, slowly coming to his own realization. "And if you've hurt him in any way, I swear that I will rip you apart myself."

"Don't worry. I didn't hurt your little boyfriend. Just opened his eyes to the truth." The variant said menacingly before suddenly B-15 fell to the ground.

"Loki!" A distant voice called out. It was C-20. Loki ran in the direction of the voice, finding C-20 and another hunter standing outside a small room. Inside was a male hunter who was trying to calm down a distraught Mobius.

"It's real. It's real. It's real." He kept repeating it, over and over again. "It was real. It was all real."

"Mobius, calm down. I'm here, you're okay now." Loki says. "What happened? What did they do to you?"

"The variant fucked up his head, that's what happened." The male hunter said, and it took all of Loki's lacking self control not to kill him where he stood.

"I wanna go home." Mobius says. "I wanna go home. I wanna go home."

"Alright, we're going home. We'll get you back to the TVA, we'll take you to the infirmary--"

"No! I want to go home! I want to go to my real home! I don't belong at the TVA!" Mobius shouted, and suddenly Loki realized what the variant meant.

I just opened his eyes to the truth...

"Shit." Loki whispered under his breath.


A/N: I don't even know what this was LoL

Lokius Oneshots By KieraWhere stories live. Discover now