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Angsty with a fluffy ending 🤗

(Above is a picture of my Christmas present for Loki this year 😂)


Loki was walking through the halls of the TVA with Mobius when something randomly triggered a time-slip. He vaguely saw Mobius reach out to him, and he tried to call out the man's name, but all too quickly, he was ripped from the moment.

He rematerialized in an unfamiliar parking lot. He looked up and saw a bizarre inflated yellow... thing waving around. He looked down, it was sunny, probably mid summer, there was a pleasantly warm breeze in the air that blew through Loki's hair. He looked at the building, and the first thing he noticed was the jet skis parked outside, their bright colors contrasting against the plain asphalt of the lot. There was a big sign on the building that read Piranha Power Sports in blue and green lettering, it was a modern building with lots of glass and steel. There was a young couple inside, talking to an employee who had his back turned to the window. The employee led the couple outside to show them the jet skis outside, and Loki's heart stopped.

"Mobius." He whispered softly, staring at the man in disbelief. He looked exactly the same, that short white hair and mustache, even that kind and warm glint in his blue eyes. He was in khakis with a blue vest, his sunglasses hung around his neck. Loki watched for a few moments before realizing how creepy he must look, and quickly used his magic to turn himself invisible. He walked right up to the man, watching in curiosity and awe. His eyes happened to glance down at the name tag, which had the name 'Don' printed on it.


Suddenly, one of Mobius' co-workers walked up to them, saying something about Mobi- Don's son being on line three.

A son? He has a son? A family?

Loki followed Don inside, cursing himself for this ridiculous behavior. He listened as Don talked to his son on the phone, amazed by...by him. The TVA could never erase who he truly was, now could they? Mobius was always this sweet, caring, supportive, positive, optimistic angel.

Loki truly didn't deserve him, did he?

Suddenly, Loki was pulled back to the TVA, appearing in the same hallway, with his Mobius.

Loki's mind was reeling, the emotions were breaking through their weakened prison. He couldn't stop the tears from pouring down his face, which deeply worried Mobius. The agent immediately thought Loki must be in horrendous pain.

"Are you okay? What happened? Where did you go?" Mobius asks, holding onto Loki's arms. Loki could only stare at him with tears pouring down his face, the images of Mobius' sacred timeline life playing in his mind on repeat.

"I saw--" Loki hesitated, could he really tell him? Could he really tell his best friend that he had such a perfect life? "Nothing. It was just a random point in the past of the TVA, there was nothing interesting." He lied. He couldn't tell him. He just couldn't.

"Loki, you know you can't lie to me." Mobius says softly, and Loki couldn't look at him. He kept seeing him, kept seeing Don the jet ski salesman with a wife and a family and the perfect life.

All the things Loki could never be, could never give him.

"I saw you." Loki admitted, his heart cracking with the strain of keeping his emotions in check. "I saw your life on the timeline."

"You saw-- what?" Mobius asks, surprised.

"Do you want to know what your life was?" Loki asks, his tone serious and even despite the peril inside.

"I-- I mean--" Mobius hesitated. Does he want to know? What if it was bad? Or worse, what if?--what if it was good?
What if it was really, really good? What if he had a family? A job he actually loved? A jet ski? But suddenly he realized, it didn't matter. He has a life here, this is his life. The TVA and the timeline and the job and Loki. He has Loki, the God of Mischief, the prince of Asgard, heir to the throne of Jotunheim, his best friend, the most amazing person he's ever known. Wonderful, spectacular, amazing, awe-inspiring, beautiful Loki Laufeyson.
"You know what? I don't need to know." Mobius says, surprising Loki.

"What do you mean?" Loki asks, perplexed.

"If I could go anywhere I wanted to, I'd go wherever you are. I'd follow you anywhere, to any time, because you are my home. You are what matters most to me, because I love you, Loki. I love you more than I can ever remember loving anyone or anything." Mobius explains and Loki was dumbstruck, staring at him in disbelief.

"Mobius, I--" Loki started to say, but was cut off by Mobius suddenly pulling him down into a kiss. Loki gasped in surprise, leaning into the kiss eagerly. Tears of joy leaked from Loki's eyes as he finally let the dam burst, embracing every emotion he had run from for his entire life. This was so much better than when the variant kissed him in the citadel, because this was real.

This is real. The realization hit Loki like a ton of bricks, and a sob escaped his lungs, the sound somewhat choked and muffled by Mobius' lips.

"Hey, you okay?" Mobius asks, and Loki broke, burying his face in Mobius' neck as he clung onto him.

"I love you so much." Loki whispered, his voice shaky and still disbelieving. "Welcome home." He added, pulling away to look into Mobius' beautiful eyes.

"For all time..."


Lokius Oneshots By KieraWhere stories live. Discover now