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Inspired by Selena Gomez's "Wolves"

Loki sat in the small bedroom at Avenger's Compound, replaying his last encounter with Mobius through his head over and over again.

How could he have been this stupid?

How could Kang have been so cruel as to force Loki to choose between a life with his brother, and a life with Mobius?

And most importantly, why would Mobius make Loki choose a life with his brother? Why would Mobius sacrifice any chance of a future with the God of Mischief? Why? Why? Why?

Perhaps the worst part of all of this was that Loki was stuck here on this timeline, he had no way of getting back to Mobius.

...unless he got a little mischievous and broke another timeline. Loki had just been moping around all this time like an idiot. Perhaps it's time he did something stupid.
So with that marvelous idea, he sprung out of this pathetic bed and headed out.

Loki went running through the New York Streets shouting that the world was going to burn and die (which it really was) and eventually an orange-yellow time door opened up and he was arrested by the TVA Hunters. Loki smiled inwardly, a smile that quickly faded when he was suddenly face to face with Kang The Conqueror.

"You've changed your mind?" Kang says menacingly. "And here I was thinking you were predictable."

"You cannot predict mischief, Kang. Nor love. Either one will make you do some crazy things." Loki says, wincing as the Hunter shoves him to the ground to kneel before The Mighty Kang.

"You have broken your oath, Loki. You swore to put your days of mischief behind you and stay quiet in your simple life with your brother and the Avengers. Yet you still long for things that will never be yours. Why do you defy me?" Kang says, grip tightening around a pruning rod hidden behind his back.

"Because I am a God, you dull creature. And I will not be bullied by some cosmic warlord who's so completely hellbent on ruling every possible universe, he is willing to condemn people to some apocalyptic wasteland for all eternity!" Loki spat venomously, enraged.

"Are your finished?" Kang says quietly, looking at Loki with cold, dead eyes.

"One more thing..." Loki starts, discreetly moving his hand to clasp around the hidden dagger in his belt. "You don't own me."

With that Loki spun to the side, driving the blade, which was secretly a miniature pruning rod, into the Hunter's side. The woman groaned as she disintegrated into sparks, disappearing.

"I'm sorry." Loki whispered to her, knowing the hell she'd just been sentenced to.

Loki got ahold of the key and undid his cuffs, letting them clatter to the ground. "And for the record...I do what I want. Not what your pathetic variant scripted out for me. I have always been free, and I detest being chained like an animal. You can't control mischief, Kang."

"For all time, always..." Kang says, approaching Loki with the pruning rod. He was about to strike, but Loki moved faster, sticking the pruning rod between Kang's ribs. Loki watched in satisfaction as Kang slowly faded into sparks, whispering a final menacing see you soon before completely fading away.

Loki grabbed the script, rewriting his own ending so that he would end up with Mobius, live a simple, ordinary life on earth, and finally have a good relationship with his dear brother.

And of course, he gave Sylvie her own happy ending, too. He changed her story so that instead of her mother dying, it was Odin (to spare her some childhood trauma) and gave her a full, happy life, where she would marry Sigyn and have beautiful children with her and live out the rest of her days in peace.

As soon as Loki finished rewriting the script, he immediately grabbed the tem-pad from Kang's side, opening a time door to Mobius, his Mobius, the man he's been longing to see again for months.

He found Mobius sat in a cell with that familiar collar around his neck. Loki's heart broke at the sight. Oh, Mobius...

"Mobius?" Loki says quietly. Mobius gives him a confused look, shaking his head and furrowing his brow as though he's trying to remember something. "It's me. Loki."

"I don't...I don't quite remember a...a Loki." Mobius says. "I'm sorry."

"I'm getting you out of here, old friend." Loki says quietly, opening a time door back to Avenger's Compound.

Once they arrived in the grassy meadow, Loki took the blasted collar off of Mobius and recklessly dropped it to the ground, then placed his hands on either side of Mobius' head.

"This might hurt a bit." Loki says quietly in warning before reaching into Mobius' mind to try and remove the block on his memories.

Loki was right. It did hurt. But remembering the simple life Mobius had before the TVA showed up hurt even worse. He was still so young when the TVA took him, and he spent half his adult life working for those liars and tyrants. It made Loki so angry, but he had to focus. He had to unlock Mobius' mind, no matter how much it hurt both of them.

Finally Loki unblocked Mobius' memories of their time together at the TVA.

Their first meeting...

"Are you taking me somewhere to kill me?"

"No, that's where you just were. I'm taking you somewhere to talk."

Loki ruining his salad...

"Your salad... is Asgard."

"No, that's not Asgard, that's my lunch. I wanted that salad."

The Pompeii Experiment...

"Be free, my horned friends! Be free!"


And a million other tiny little moments that, even if they didn't mean much to anyone else, meant more than the entire multiverse to the two of them.

Suddenly Mobius gasped like he had been drowning and Loki pulled him to the surface. He looked into Loki's blue-green eyes with some unreadable emotion, putting his hand over one of Loki's.

"Thank you." Mobius says quietly, voice almost a whisper. "Thanks for the spark."

Loki grinned and shook his head slowly, tears of joy stinging his eyes. "Thank you, my friend. You showed me how to be a better person, and I am forever grateful." Loki says warmly, pressing his forehead against Mobius'. "I should have done this a long time ago..."


"This." Loki says simply, closing the gap between them and bringing their lips together. Loki felt a happiness like he'd never experienced before as Mobius kisses him back so sweetly Loki's head began to spin as he nearly swooned.

"You know, I think it's high time you met my brother." Loki says warmly, excited for Thor to meet Mobius.

"Can't wait." Mobius says, stealing another quick kiss before they walked to the compound hand in hand.

                The End

Lokius Oneshots By KieraWhere stories live. Discover now