Rewrite the Story

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Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Mobius M Mobius

Angst w/ a happy ending



It had been three months since the loom incident, since Loki became God of Stories, and was forced to leave Mobius and everyone else behind to go and hold the timeline together, trapped on his prison of a throne far, far away from Mobius' reach. The analyst hated this, he hated being in the TVA without Loki, so he started going out to the branches more often, exploring the world. He would sometimes look up at the sky and just talk to thin air, hoping Loki could hear him, maybe even see him.

Little did he know, Loki was right there, always watching over him. Loki felt a peace he hadn't felt for a long time now whenever he got to hear Mobius' voice. They were also able to see their brother now, he was doing well in New Asgard with his adopted daughter Love, although the death of Jane had definitely taken a toll on him. Loki would also sometimes watch a branch timeline where Frigga was still alive, he was able to see and hear his dear mother talking to his variant and Thor's.

He may have been alone, but he could watch over the ones he loved and know that they were safe.  Hel, he was even keeping an eye on Lady Sif, she was still as fierce as ever, despite having lost an arm.

One day, Mobius was walking down the streets of London, in the same place where he and Loki had once apprehended X-5, he looked up at the sky again, wondering if Loki could hear him.

"Hi, it's me again." Mobius started, feeling like an idiot for talking to the sky and thinking the love of his life could hear him. "I don't know if you can hear me but, if you can, I just want you to know that I love you, and I understand now why you did what you did. I just wish we'd had more time, I wish I had done things differently, I wish--"

"Wish you could go back and change it?" Loki's voice suddenly said beside him. He looked and saw the God themself standing there, sporting the beautiful suit they'd once worn right here in this alley. Mobius was bewildered, how was Loki here? It's impossible, right? Right?

"H-how? I--"

"Duplication casting, remember?" Loki says softly. Mobius went to touch Loki, and sure enough his fingers went right through the image, a small flash of green light appearing as they did. "I just wanted to come see you face to face, so to speak. Give you your chance to say goodbye, because I realized now I never gave you that chance back then."

"Can you really hear me up there?" Mobius asks.

"I see you as well. Only on the branches, once you go back to the TVA, you disappear. But it's alright, that's your job, that's your life-"

"It's not my life." Mobius cuts him off, tears pricking his eyes. "You are."

Now it was Loki's turn to cry. He hung his head, the deep sorrow eating away at his heart.

"I guess I lied." Loki says softly.

"What are you talking about?"

"I promised I'd fix things, but all I've done is make it worse, haven't I?" Loki says weakly.

"It's not your fault." Mobius whispers. "It's hers."

Loki immediately knew who he was referring to. The variant...

"I tried to stop her. But no matter what I did, He Who Remains always died. I couldn't stop that." Loki says defeatedly.

"Did you though?" Mobius asks. "Did you try...everything?"

"I guess not." Loki admits, knowing exactly what he meant.

"You're the God of Stories." Mobius says simply. "Maybe it's time you rewrite this one."

"You're absolutely right." Loki says with a smirk.
"This is why I love you."

"I love you too, mischievous scamp." Mobius says softly.

"Thanks for the spark." Loki says before the hologram faded away, leaving Mobius alone once more.

When Mobius returned to the TVA, it was exactly as it was before...

Before Loki came back, after the citadel.

"Oh, you mischievous scamp, you." Mobius says, immediately rushing through the labyrinthine structures in search of his favorite variant. Eventually, he bumped into B-15, who was looking worriedly at her tempad.

"Have you seen Loki?" Mobius asks.

"No, he got pruned, remember?" B-15 says, confused. "Wait, how did you get back here? Renslayer pruned you too."

Mobius could only smile, Loki would be back to him soon enough.

Mobius went and waited in the library, at the desk tucked away in a corner where they had sat and gone through mountains of files together one night. God, that felt like an eternity ago now.

After what felt like another eternity of waiting, Mobius heard a familiar, beloved voice call out his name.

"Mobius?" Loki says softly, holding Sylvie's bloodied machete. The agent looked at him with a deeply held breath, hopeful for a good answer. "I did it. I fixed it, I rewrote the story."

Mobius' only response was to rush over to Loki and throw his arms around him in a hug. But Loki surprised him by dropping the machete and pulling him in for a kiss instead.

The pair ended up tangled together in the corner, Loki's legs wrapped around Mobius' waist as Mobius moved within him, worshipping his God the way only he could, the way only he was allowed to.

"Mobius." Loki panted, his head tossed back. Mobius felt so good inside him, so right. It was like they were two pieces of the same puzzle, the two that only fit with each other. Loki swore in that moment he'd never love another as long as they both lived, only Mobius. Always Mobius.

"I love you." Mobius whispered, his breath hot and heavy in Loki's ear. His words tipped Loki over the edge, and the god came with a muffled cry, body spasming as he made a mess of their remaining clothes. Mobius followed close behind, filling Loki to the brim, pouring his entire heart and soul into the person he loved the most.

Loki Laufeyson, God of Stories.


Lokius Oneshots By KieraWhere stories live. Discover now