Protecting you

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This one is technically Loki x Don.

Inspiration from Arela-san on Twitter ❤️

Possible TW// slight violence, home invasion, a little blood, minor cursing


Loki had made a comfortable life with Don, living in their house in the suburbs of Cleveland with the boys. Loki had settled into almost a housewife role, staying home all day with the boys and keeping the house cleaned up despite their chaotic ways.

Don had to admit, he loved coming home to Loki's warm smile after a long day at work, it had been a long time since he'd had someone to come home to besides his boys. It's been over a decade since his wife died in the battle of New York, and then his family blipped out of existence along with half of the population of the entire universe.

One night, Don and the boys were sat in the living room when Loki excused himself to get a drink from the kitchen. Loki had just barely gotten his Starry and an orange fanta for Kevin from the fridge when he heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Don said, standing up and answering the door.

Loki walked back into the kitchen to see an unfamiliar man holding a gun in Don's face. The god's heart lurched into his throat, but he kept his cool for the boys' sake.

"Boys, just...just do as he says, okay?" Don says calmly.

"Shut the fuck up, old man." The intruder snarled.

"Relax, alright? Just tell us what you want, we're cooperating." Loki says, holding his hands up.

"What are you, his little brother or something?" The man says with a scoff.

"I'm his partner." Loki says, slightly offended.

"Well, how would you like it if I blew your boyfriend's head off?" The guy says, clicking off the safety on his gun. "You fucking pathetic little twink." Loki snapped, and in a bright flash of green the man was thrown back through a window, his gun falling harmlessly to the ground.

Loki stepped out onto the lawn, his armor and helmet appearing in an instant, and Don was in shock. Loki was the man from New York? The one that brought an alien army down and destroyed the city? The one who killed his wife?

"Loki?!" Don says in shock. Loki didn't hear him immediately, he was focused on the man before him. A TVA baton materialized in Loki's hand, and he held it to the man's neck threateningly.

"Never come back here again. In fact, never do this to anyone ever again, or I will know, and I'll come for you and make your life a living hell."

The man nodded in terror, and Loki released him, watching in satisfaction as he ran away. Loki turned back around to look at Don, who was staring at him in disbelief.

"You..." Don says softly. "You're that Loki?"

"I was. But Don, I'm not him anymore. I promise you." Loki says, his armor and helmet disappearing as quickly as they'd appeared. "I'm changed. You changed me, darling. Remember?"

"Loki, I--" Don hesitated, his voice shaky. "Your army killed my wife."

Loki's heart sank, disbelief flooding his brain. They knew this was too good to last, nothing good ever does for them. How could Don forgive him now? For this?

"I understand." Loki says softly, hanging his head. He walked away without a word, repairing the window with a wave of his hand as a green light flashed over the once broken pane.

Loki used his time-slipping ability to jump to Sylvie's timeline, where he found her in a bar. She gave a knowing look, sliding him a shot of tequila which he quickly gulped down.

"What happened?" Sylvie asks.

"I killed his wife." Loki answers.

"Christ, I knew you loved him, but I didn't know you'd go that far." Sylvie says, and Loki sighed in frustration.

"No-- not like that!" He snapped. "Ugh, when I attacked New York, she died in the invasion and the battle. I caused him all this pain, and I know he'll never forgive me for this."

"Of course he'll forgive you." Sylvie scoffs. "It's Mobius."

"No, it's not. It's Don. It's Don, Sylvie. He doesn't know me like Mobius did. He doesn't understand me--"

"Yes, he does. He understands you, Loki, more than anyone ever has. Open up to him, but don't plead for forgiveness. Just patiently wait for him to be ready." Sylvie says. "I believe in you, Loki. If you could fix an entire multiverse, you can fix this."

Loki gave a grateful smile, and Sylvie pulled out her tempad, opening a door for him back to Don's timeline. Loki walked back onto the lawn, seeing Don sat on the front steps with his head in his hands.

"Don." Loki says softly. The younger man looked up, a bit surprised to see Loki back so soon. "I owe you an explanation, love."

"I'm listening." Don says softly.

"I'm not of this planet. I was born in Jotunheim, and raised in a place called Asgard. A few years ago, I left my home, and ended up in a dark and miserable place. I was captured by a man named Thanos, and he did... terrible things to me. He tortured and brainwashed me, forced me to invade New York, to do those...awful, terrible things I did. I had no idea how many would die because of me. I never wanted any of it. I never wanted power or a throne. I just wanted love, and peace, and family. You gave me all of those things, Don, and I am forever grateful. You've showed me parts of myself I never knew existed, and thanks to you I am no longer that angry, confused villain that tried to invade New York. I'm the person who wakes up beside you every morning, and falls asleep beside you every night." Loki says softly, taking Don's hand in his.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Loki." Don says, squeezing Loki's hand. "I...I forgive you. You were forced against your own will. It was out of your hands, Lokes."

Loki sighed and laid his head on Don's shoulder, exhausted. "I love you, Donnie."

"I love you too, kitten." Don says with a grin. "You know what? I'm really glad we had you to protect us today."

"I'll always protect you, my love. For all time, always." Loki says softly, pressing a kiss to Don's lips.

This was what Loki wanted. Not a throne, or power, or to rule over the entire universe, but to love, and be loved in return, because to Loki, love is better than anything a throne could ever offer them.

Lokius Oneshots By KieraWhere stories live. Discover now