🏳️‍🌈Pride Month Special🏳️‍🌈

848 19 9

Soundtrack: "Ruin our Friendship" by The Studio Killers


Loki fussed over his hair in the mirror. Gods, why did he sleep with it wet?! Now it's just a complete mess, not to mention his expensive Egyptian cotton pillowcase is ruined.

Just then, Mobius walked in to Loki's room.

"Come on, Lokes, we gotta get ready for Sylvie's..." Mobius trailed off, a bit dumfounded. "Party."

Yup. There stood Loki, in his underwear, with pink, purple, and blue streaks in his hair. Loki whirled around, a bit shocked, and Mobius got to see the temporary Bi and Genderfluid pride tattoos on Loki's cheeks.

"Um... Do you mind? I was getting ready for Sylvie's party." Loki says, blushing from slight embarrassment.

"Huh. I didn't know it was a pride party." Mobius says nonchalantly.

"Well, it is June, Mobius, what did you expect?" Loki says with a chuckle before turning back around to continue trying to fix his fucked up hair. Eventually he gave up, taking a rainbow scrunchie and tying his hair back in a high ponytail. "How long do you intend to keep staring?"

"I'm not staring." Mobius says softly. "Just taking time to admire the real you."

Loki wasn't entirely sure how to react to that. The real him? As far as Loki was concerned, he was always the real him. He didn't make as much effort to hide himself now as he used to.

"I like the real you." Mobius says. "They're cool, Loki."


A few hours later, Loki was sitting on Sylvie's couch waiting for Mobius. His friend had told him he had a quick errand to run, but he would do his best to be there by 7:00.

It's now 8:05, and Loki is starting to get anxious. What if Mobius just couldn't handle Loki's sexuality? What if he couldn't be friends with a Genderfluid person? What if he's not coming back because Loki's darling best friend couldn't deal with seeing the real him?

"Gods, why are you sulking like that?" Sylvie says, sitting on the couch beside Loki as she took another sip of her Long Island Iced Tea.

"I don't think Mobius is coming." Loki sighed.

"Why wouldn't he come? He's your best friend." Sylvie says, confused.

"He found out I'm Bisexual." Loki says softly. "And genderfluid."

"So? He's telling me all the time about how much he loves how different you are." Sylvie says with a shrug.

"He does?" Loki says, surprised.

"Yes, you dumbass." Sylvie says, exasperated. "He likes you, Loki. Hell, he can't even bloody shut up about you sometimes."

"I don't want this to ruin our friendship, though." Loki says.

"Ha, you think dating ruins a friendship?" Bucky says, taking a seat in the big armchair. "Sam and I have been friends since 2020, and we've been together since 2021. There's no such thing as ruining a friendship. He's still my best friend."

Lokius Oneshots By KieraWhere stories live. Discover now