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Message From Future Saturn: Hi guys! I wanted to say to all of the old and new readers, thank you so much for reading this story! I've been trying my hardest to get it self-published, and I have some good and bad news regarding it.

The bad news is that life has thrown me a curveball this year, and most of my savings had to go to other things that regarded my health. I'm just now able to build it up again. Due to this, though, it might take a little longer to get it published. Once the money is saved, the rest will go so much faster! But until then, it's another waiting game for me.

BUT NOT FOR YOU! - You've all been so patient in waiting for this story, and I didn't want to break my promise of it being released this summer. Instead of self-publishing it, as that's on hold still due to financing problems, I decided to put ALL THE CHAPTERS on my Patreon!


If you look me up on here then you will see that first: I haven't really charged that much for a subscription and I don't plan on increasing my price, even with these books added onto it. You will still only be reading the rough drafts of these stories, and I don't believe in making anyone pay a bunch for some lovely stories.

The next thing you'll notice is that I've put up a post regarding the navigation and how I organized the separate chapters of both books. I tried to make it as simple as possible to navigate through, and it's been a headache the past week just trying to put it all together.

This isn't exactly what I was hoping to update this book about, but at least it's something, and I wanted to do it for you all so that you at least had a chance to read the whole thing while it's pending publication. It's not much for the subscription, but any tiny bit will go towards the funding of both Mateless and Rogue Bound, and Mateless and Home Bound's publication!

I hope some of you are excited at least! I'm still going to keep the first twenty parts of this story here just in case you want to see if you would still be interested in the book first. If you would still like to wait until you get the physical copy, when that finally comes out, that's perfectly fine too! I just wanted to give you all another option while I'm working on getting everything done for it.

With that, I hope to see you all soon! If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments!

Happy Reading!

-Future Saturn


Thank you for taking the time to take a look at my book. While I used to have the entire story on this site, this series is now being taken down as they get prepared for publication. This first one is already out for purchase. You can find it using this link below:


If you don't wish to spend too much money on it, the ebook is only $4.99, available now!

For more information, check out the last chapter up called 'Thanks for Reading'!

As far as this book, I'm planning on getting them officially published once I've saved enough, and I'm planning on using any profit I make for the first book, towards the publication of the rest of the series! For more information on that, either look at my chapter named 'Thanks for Reading' or just shoot me a message or comment!

And, with that, enjoy the beginnings to this lovely story!


Mateless and Home Bound (In Process Of Publication)Where stories live. Discover now