Chapter 1: First Day

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It was now the start of April and I'm being driven in a limo by my butler Matsuo. Next to me is Ichika sleeping on my lap. Looking down at her I have the sudden urge to pet her.

"We're here" Matsuo said

After a few minutes we stopped in front of ANHS. I had to say it was huge, it had managed to impress me.

"Ichika wake up" I started poking her

"Mmm sen~pai~"

"Well looks like this is it, good luck see you again in 3 years" He said

"Goodbye Matsuo" I said getting out of the limo

"Bye Matsuo-san" She said as she got out as well

We then started walking towards the opening ceremony. As we were walking I noticed some glances being thrown at us. Some girls but mostly boys.

"Hey sen~pai are you gonna be jealous of these boys staring at me~" She said teasingly with a smug grin

"No, I know that your obsessed with me, so it doesn't matter to me" If anything it made me feel more confident knowing the fact that all these guys have no chance with a girl like her and that she only worships me

"Aww~ your no fun sen~pai" She said pouting

Once we got to the opening ceremony we started scanning everyone. In the front was Class A and I immediately laid my eyes on a girl with lilac hair and wearing a familiar hat 'So Arisus here huh', I then looked over and saw a tall man with a shiny bald head 'For some reason I wanna slap his head'

Then I saw Class B and I couldn't take my eyes off of a girl with beautiful strawberry blonde hair and a very well endowed body.
Before I knew it something within me started growing.

'My time is coming huh'

Shaking off these thoughts I then scanned Class C, I saw a guy who I thought was a girl for a second with long magenta hair and next to him was a guy who was huge and looked like a foreigner. 'They look fun to play with'. What really caught my eye was a girl with silver hair and smiling like an angel.

Finally I looked at my class and I was disappointed. There was a group of girls who looked like gyarus, a group of guys talking about girls, and a girl who looked pretty beautiful with long black hair who was giving off a cold aura, she then turned to me noticing I was staring and I looked away. I then turned my attention to a guy with long blonde hair who surprised me a bit giving off a superior aura 'He seems pretty interesting'.

After I finished I had a sudden realization, 'What was up these grouping of students?'

Class A looked sophisticated, looking to the front, sitting still, and being quiet.

Class B looked somewhat the same as well.

Class C, not so much, only some were paying attention while others did what they want.

Class D was the exact opposite of Class A, barley anyone was paying attention, and these people were talking the loudest out of everyone.

'This seems suspicious'

After the ceremony me and Ichika started walking towards our classroom.

"Ichika what do you think about that?" I asked her

"The speech was boring me to death" She said in a tiring tone

"Not that, I mean about all the people there"

"There were a few people who looked interesting but not by much compared to you senpai~" She said gaining her smug grin back

Snapping me out of my thoughts a voice was heard behind us.

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