Chapter 15: The Island Exam

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A few days have passed and today was the cruise vacation we were promised.

I woke up early and put my clothes back on and left Sakura's room. I headed back to my room to finish packing.

After I was fully packed I was about to head out to the bus until I heard a knock at my door.

I opened the door and saw one of my girls.

"Hey Fuka"

"Kiyo~" She quickly hugged me

"I'm not gonna be able to see you in days" She held me tighter

"I know but don't worry, when I get back I'll make sure to spoil you"

I leaned closer to her and gave her a kiss.

"Let me get one last taste before you leave" She grinned

She then pushed me back in my room and locked the door.


I was standing on the deck overlooking the beautiful ocean, it was really relaxing. The clear blue water with the cool breeze blowing through my hair, I feel at peace.



"What's up Ichika" I turned around to face her

"Senpai you know somethings up, don't you?~"

"Who knows" I shrugged

I do know, thanks to Sae telling me we'll be having a special exam, she didn't tell me what it was though since I wanted to be surprised.

"I really hate when you say that" She started pouting cutely

"Just be prepared alright"


Me and Ichika decided to go take a tour of the cruise ship. We explored multiple shops and different parts of the ship, then we ate at restaurant later.

After a while an announcement was made.

"Hello students, sorry to interrupt but I just want to inform you that we are nearing the island, if you take a look you can admire the scenery"

'So it's starting huh?'

"Ichika let's go pay a visit to someone first"


I sent a message to someone to meet with them privately.

Me and Ichika headed to the meeting place.

"Hello Sae" I said with a smile

"Hi Sensei!" She waved

"Ayanokoji and Amasawa, what did you want to talk about?" She said in her scrict tone

"First off you can stop with the act Ichika already knows about us and second I just wanted to say to be prepared to help when I ask"

"Yes of course I'll help the best I can"

"Good now then I'll be on my way" I kissed her cheek

"Aww you really do look cute when your embarrassed sensei~! She said grinning

"Amasawa you shouldn't speak like that to your teacher" She tried to hold on to her cold tone

"Call me Ichika, Sae-chan we both share senpai so we should be closer as well"

"F-Fine then anyways good luck, Kiyotaka and Ichika" She said

"Thanks Sae but we won't really need it" I said

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