Chapter 4: New Club

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(I decided to make this a harem with only Ichika, Fuka, and Sae)

I just woke up at 5 AM still tired from last night and only having 4 hours of sleep, it doesn't matter though I'll just sleep in Class, after all I know no one else is gonna pay attention during class, we're most likely not getting any points next month anyway.

This school judges us on our merit like sensei said, however my classmates are idiots and most likely didn't pay attention to what she said, I'm sure their gonna slack off and do what they want anyways, sucks for them I'm far from being broke.

I got up quietly trying not to wake Ichika up, this was the first time we got to sleep in the same bed together since we had to sleep alone in the white room, feeling her warmness on my body while sleeping was very pleasent.

I got up and changed to head to the gym I saw yesterday near the dorms to start my workout.

When I got to the gym the membership fee was 10000 points a month, not a problem for me.

When I got inside I saw a few people here, there was Koenji doing one arm bicep curls while looking at himself in his mirror 'What a weirdo'.

I also saw a guy with a blonde ponytail making snake noises and a guy next to him who had a weird face, if I remember from the opening ceremony their in Class A.

What really caught my eye was a girl with platinum hair doing squats, she had an amazing body.

Deciding not to stare longer I started my workout.

During my workout I could feel someone staring at me, I took a side glance and noticed it was the platinum haired girl grinning at me, I ignored it and continued my workout.

It was now 6:30 AM, class will start in 30 minutes, it's fine if I'm a little late it won't affect me only my classmates.

After finishing my hour and a half workout I took off my shirt and started drinking water.


I heard a Snap and looked in the direction of it, I saw the girl walking away 'strange but it doesn't concern me'.

I got to my room and saw Ichika sitting on the bed in her uniform.

"Good morning sen~pai" with a wide smile

"Morning Ichika" I said as I headed towards the bathroom, after I got out I changed and I still had 10 minutes left until class starts

"Were you waiting for me so we could go to class together" I asked

"Yup! Mostly because my legs are sore so I need a little help walking~"

Yeah I expected that, I was pretty rough with her, not that she minds.

We were now on our way to class and during the walk I noticed girls staring at me with red faces and boys glaring at me with hate in their eyes, I wonder why it can't be because Ichika is latched on my arm.

"So senpai~ did you enjoy the gym?"

"How do you know that?" I could've just went for a jog but she knew I was at the gym even though I never told her

"Oh nothing, but you should check the school forums~"

Check the forums why? Wait a minute, did that girl take a picture of me and post it on the forums.

I took out my phone and looked at the forums.

There I saw a picture of me shirtless drinking water, my muscles bulging and veins popping with sweat dripping down, you could also see some of my scars on my body and especially the hickeys on my neck that Ichika made, to be honest I looked like a model.

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