Chapter 16: In My Hands

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Koenji and I were quickly heading towards a certain place, I didn't tell him where but he already knew where to go.

After some time we reached our destination at the same time.

"Ho? You actually managed to keep up with me" He started brushing his hair

"I should be saying to you, YOU managed to keep up with me while I was still holding back"

"Ha Ha Ha aren't you being a little narcissistic!"

"Ironic coming from you, guess you've been rubbing off on me, hope I'll be able to wash it off"

"You should be glad that your becoming like me, I know every pitiful existence on this earth wishes to be just like me!" He pulled out his mirror

"Think I'd rather end it all than be like you, anyways just shut up we need to focus on the targets"

We were currently standing on tree branches over looking the cave, the cave would've been the ideal spot for this exam, and baldy was the one who was planning to occupy it.

"This cave is great Katsuragi-san, I can't believe you found it while we were on the ship" The simp walked out holding the keycard 'What a fucking idiot, I'm pretty sure someone like him belongs in Class D'

"Which is exactly why I'm the leader in this exam" As he snatched the keycard

"Ha Ha Ha I almost feel sorry for them!"

"I'll deal with them in a bit, but right now you're going to do something for me"

"Ho? Your really pushing your luck aren't you?"

"Your planning on retiring, however I just need you to stay for today, then you can leave during the night"

"Seems like you knew, yes I'm not planning on staying in this disgusting place"

"I figured you would, afterall I imagined you saying something like-" I cleared my throat to mimic his voice "A perfect existence such as myself shall not stay on this filthy island with a bunch of peasants" I brushed my hair back like him

He had a dissatisfied look on his face while I just grinned.

"Hurry up with your deal so I can leave" Seems like he's finally serious

"I'll pay you 200,000 points just to stay here" This won't be a problem since I get paid 300,000 points a month for being Vice President

"I accept your deal, now if you'll excuse me I'll be off to keep myself entertained for a while" He jumped off from branch to branch

'Now let's pay baldy a visit'

I jumped down and headed towards the cave, as I got there he was standing with his back turned towards me and the simp was in the cave.

'Looks like now is finally my time to achieve one of my goals'

I quietly approached him, then I moved around til I was standing on his left.

Then I sprinted full speed making sure to silence my steps, when I got right behind him I swung my right arm and my hand made contact with the back of his head.


The sound echoed through the land and I quickly kept running til I was out of sight.

I looked back and saw him turn around in shock and confusion as he held the back of his head.

I quietly moved around back to my original spot and approached him from the front.

"Well well well, what a coincidence seeing you here" I said with a casual expression and hands in my pockets

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