Chapter 20: Aftermath

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I woke up in a different room, I had rented a private room for me and Ichika so I could punish her.

For her punishment it was something new, 4 straight hours of using her other hole, her ass was still red with my hand prints, I had spanked her harder and more often than I usually would, her wrist still had some marks from the handcuffs I put on her, I may have also abused her throat, so she might have a weak voice for a while and she won't be walking right for a good amount of time.

'This'll teach her not to spoil my fun and not to do it again, or which is more likely, she enjoyed it and wants to do it again...I may have made a mistake'.

'Although I can't help but feel like I've gotten a bit more stronger from that, thank you once again for the advice Yujiro Hanma'

I got up, took a shower then got dressed, since she won't be up for a while I get some free time to myself.

I decided to have breakfast then I changed to my swimwear and went to the pool to relax, I layed down on a chair and closed my eyes.

"Well it's nice to see you again Kiyotaka-kun"

I looked to my right and saw Arisu with Kamuro next to her

"Likewise, by the way you look adorable" I said analyzing her swimsuit

"Fufufu you flatter me" She got a bit flustered

"Why don't you and Kamuro come take a seat" I patted my lap

"Don't mind if I do" She immediately answered and curled up to my left side

"You guys are so weird!"

"Don't be jealous Masumi-san, there's space for you on his right side"

"I don't care about that!"

"Come on Kamuro just relax with us, by the way you look beautiful as well" I smirked

I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her light pink bikini

"D-Dont look at me like that pervert"

She slowly moved and now was sitting on my right

"I-I'm only doing this because there aren't anymore seats"

"But there's one over there" I glanced to the side

"Just shut up!"

"So I take it that you're the cause for most of the groups ending" Arisu asked

"More or less but I still have to trick the other classes into sending the wrong name"

"Well I have to thank you for getting rid of Katsuragi-kun's reign, with 2 devastating losses back to back I'll have complete leadership over my class"

"It was bound to happen, after all you're the only one in Class A who can at least pose a challenge for me"

"I suppose you have a point there, I hope your ready for when I challenge you" She said

"Already have been" I said

After a while of relaxing I started to make my way towards the room to check on Ichika but I happened to find something interesting

I took a peek through a door window and found Karuizawa cornered by 4 girls from the former Class C

'This must be my lucky day, blackmail material'

They were too distracted so I slowly and quietly opened the door and hid behind a box

"Hold her down!" One of them shouted

"Hey! Stop!"

Two of the girls held her by her arms while another one started grabbing her hair and slapping Karuizawa, seconds later it turned to punches and kicks to her torso, arms, and legs.

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