Chapter 18: Annihilation

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It was time for our meeting and I'm sure me and Ichika are last one's as there was a short time limit left.

"Hi Kiyotaka-kun and Amasawa-san" Honami was the first to greet us

"Hi big boobs-chan!"

"Hello Honami"

I moved to take a seat next to Horikita and Ichika decided to sit on my lap instead of the chair.

"Hi Kiyotaka" Hiyori said with her angelic smile

"Hi Hiyori"

"Kukuku let's skip all the bullshit, which one of you is the VIP" He slammed his fist on the table

"You won't accomplish anything with violence" Kanzaki said

"Speak for yourself" I said

"By the way dragon boy, isn't it ironic that your in dragon group?" I asked grinning

"I'll fucking kill you" He said in a serious tone

"Good luck with that, you've never managed to even land a hit on me"

"One day I'll get you" He said

"Hey we should stop all this fighting and introduce ourselves" Honami said

"Pfft what's the point, we already know who everyone is" Ryuuen said

"Yes, but some of us have never met formally and I think it's a good chance to get to know each other better" She said

'So she's trying to figure out who the VIP is by their personality and using it later on, she's sharper than she looks, however, this exam won't last long enough for her plan to follow through'.

"We don't plan on participating" Katsuragi said as he moved to the corner along with Yahiko and Nishikawa

"What's wrong baldy? Did the last exam hurt your pride?" Ryuuen mocked him

"I'm surprised your able talk even though you were completely defeated" He shot back

"I'll never let anything bring me down, I'll never stop until I get my way" Ryuuen retorted

"Thats alright Katsuragi-kun, here I'll start then, my names Ichinose Honami, nice to meet you all" She smiled

"I'm Amikura Mako, nice to meet you all as well!" She seems energetic

"Kanzaki Ryuji"

"Fine then, I'm Ryuuen, this is Albert, that's Hiyori, and that's Kaneda"

"I'm Hirata Yousuke, let's all get along"

"Horikita Suzune"

'Why am I getting a bad feeling'

"Hello I'm Amasawa Ichika! Your favorite little devil also senpai's property!"

'That's why, I'm getting a sense of deju vu'

Mostly everyone didn't react to that since they pretty much know about our relationship.

"I'm Vice President Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, and this exam is a waste of time since I already know all of the VIP's"

Immediately everyone sent a surprised and shocked look towards me

"That's not possible" Kanzaki said

"Did you really Ayanokoji-kun?" Horikita asked

"Kuku! Stop bullshiting with me Ayanokoji!"

"Sorry but I'm being completely honest" I said

"Then why don't you end it already"

"Katsuragi, when will you learn that you shouldn't test me, and it wouldn't be fun if I ended it already, that's why I'm giving you all until tomorrow, if you can't figure out the VIP's by then I'll just end this exam"

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