Chapter 14: Laying The Trap and Helping Out The Girls

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Amasawa Pov

Class had ended and I was waiting in the special building for my targets to show up.

"I'm telling you Amasawa-chan wants me!"

'I cringed internally, I heard voices getting closer, now it's time to act'.

"Hey boys~ thanks for coming~!" 'God I feel like throwing up'

"Of course anything for you Amasawa-chan" Komiya said

"Yeah, by the way, why'd you call us here?" Kondo asked

"Oh I just wanted to tell you guys that I was interested in one of you~" Bleh


"It only natural, after all I'm probably the best player on the team" Komiya said confidently

"Yeah but there's a slight problem" I said

"What would that be?" They asked

"You see I'm only interested in strong guys"

"If that's the case then I'm the guy your looking for!" Ishizaki boasted

"I'm afraid not, you see the fact that angry-kun was able to beat up the three of you just proved that you weren't what I was looking for" I said with disappointment

'Right about now the heat should be affecting them, considering how weak minded they are this should be easy'.

"Wait you've got it all wrong, I promise you that I'm strong" Komiya pleaded

"That can't be the case if you were easily beaten like that, and I was really hoping I could get my first boyfriend and have many firsts with him" 'I feel sick just hurry up and give in already'

"No we only let him beat us up, I promise you I'm stronger than him" Kondo admitted


"Why would you let him beat you up, there's no point in that?" I asked playing dumb

"Oi, what are you saying Kondo" Ishizaki stated

"We only let him beat us cause we set him up" Komiya said

'Finally, now I can stop acting like this'

"Well then thank you for the information, you were all useful for me, now then see you later" I said as I took out the recorder in my pocket and started to walk past them until Ishizaki blocked my way

"Wait! You just told her the plan! We fucked up! Ryuuen-san is gonna kill us!"

Looks like he finally realized the plan

"Fuck! What are we gonna do!?"

"There's only one thing we can do"

"Amasawa give us the recorder or we're gonna have to take it by force" Ishizaki said

"Sorry no can do~" I said

"Well then sorry about this, but you brought this upon yourself"

Ishizaki charged at me aiming to punch my stomach, I stepped back then moved forward giving him a quick jab to his nose, then I grabbed his arm and flipped him over and stomped on his chest knocking the wind out of him.

I turned around at looked at a two faces filled with shock and fear.

"Now then will you two act smart for once and let me go or make a stupid decision and try to fight me and end up like him? Make your choice~" I said showing a dark smile

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