Chapter 7: Sensei Talk and Failed Trap

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I was now walking towards the faculty office, 'Let's see what sensei wants, hopefully me'.

I made my way to the faculty office and knocked on the door.

"Come in" A different woman's voice spoke

I opened the door and saw a woman west chest length brown hair, I'm pretty sure she's the homeroom teacher of Class B.

"Is Chabashira-sensei here"

"Oh Sae-chan? No she just went out but you can wait for her here"

"That's okay I'll just wait outside" I stood in the hallway and a few seconds later she came out

"I'm Hoshinomiya Chie, responsible for Class B, I've been best friends with Sae-chan since high school" Useless information

"Ne why did Sae-chan call here, ne ne, why?"

She's pretty annoying, it's a good thing that's she's cute.

"I don't know the reason either"

"I don't understand, you were called here without given a reason? What's your name?"

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka"

"Ayanokoji-kun? isn't that a cool name~, you must be popular right?, hey wait I recognize you from the picture of you on the forums~"

'Uh oh'

"Your pretty hard~ aren't you"

She was rubbing my stomach feeling my abs.

"Ne you must have a girlfriend right~? There's no way a boy like you is single"

"Well actually I am"

Immediately there were stars in her eyes and she came closer to me and grabbed my shoulders.

"Hehe that's weird if you want I'll be your girlfriend, a boy like you is perfect me you know"

She started stroking my cheek, I grabbed her hand and licked her thumb seductively.

She blushed and widen her eyes before she smiled mischievously.

"You naughty boy~, you need to be punished~"

She pressed herself against me, her breasts pushing on to me and she started leaning her face up to mine until...

"Hoshinomiya!" Chabashira-sensei shouted as she hit her head with a clipboard

She crouched and held her head in pain

"OWW, what'd you do that for!"

"That's because you were doing inappropriate things with my student"

"He didn't mind it, in fact I think he liked it, isn't that right Ayanokoji-kun~"

"It's true I did like it"

Hoshinomiya-sensei smiled and Chabashira-sensei looked shocked

"Whatever, now Ayanokoji-kun follow me, sorry for making you wait"

We started walking to the guidance room

"What's this about?" Hoshinomiya-sensei said as she was behind us

"Not you, stay back" Chabashira-sensei said in a cold tone

"I can't leave you alone with Ayanokoji-kun, your not the type to give one-on-one lessons, are trying to do naughty things with a younger man?"

"Shut up, don't say stupid things"

"Are you finally trying to find love again?"

Finally find love again? Does this this mean she was heartbroken before?

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