Chapter 22: Is this a Challenge?

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It was now time for the sports festival, it's not that big of a deal for me since these events would be too easy.

Which is why I had proposed a new idea to Manabu, Usually for single events it would be first year boys then girls, then second year boys then girls and so on, so I made to where every year participates together in single events.

So now it would be mixed year groups instead of only being first year groups then second year groups.

The team events would still be separated by years though, he didn't agree to my idea to mix the years for team events, it would've been more fun.

Anyways we were all gathered in our class tent waiting for the events to start.

"Senpai wanna cuddle a bit"

"Of course"

She then immediately tackled me down

"You two seem to be having fun" A voice came out

"You should join us Fuka" I said

"Don't mind if I do"

Fuka then smothered me as well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying it.

A few minutes later I'm getting bored just by sitting here, I might as well make myself comfortable.

I laid my body on Ichika's and Fuka's lap. Resting my head on Ichika's thighs and my back on Fuka's, I could fall asleep right now.

Ichika began to stroke my hair while Fuka lowered her hand about to stroke my-

"The 100m sprint for the boys will now start, the first group please head to starting line now" The announcement went off


I got up reluctantly

"I'll be back in a minute" I said

"Please do hurry" Fuka said

The first event was the 100m sprint. This would be over quick then I can get back to my lap pillow.

"I sure hope you can provide me a challenge, after all I wouldn't want to waste my efforts for nothing" Koenji said

"We'll see about that, just make sure not to get too far behind me"

I lined up with the rest of the guys and waited for the gun to go off. Somehow this reminded me of the white room whenever I would test my speed.


Instinctively I took off at full speed no holding back. The next thing I knew I had crossed the finish line.

'Well that was easier than I thought'

I looked back and saw Koenji barley pass the halfway mark with everyone else in the far back who just barley took a few steps.

'Was that really it?'

I just started to walk back to our tent not bothering to see who came in second or third.

I didn't need to turn back around to see what Koenji's face looked like, the silence was all I needed to know.

The students and staff were also a bit silent still not being able to take in what just happened, slowly it erupted into cheers and amazement.

"Wow that was amazing Kiyotaka!"

"I know Suzune"

"Your the best Ayanokoji-kun!"

"I know Karuizawa I know"

"That was amazing!"

"Seriously you guys tell me something new"

I made my way back to my spot

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